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victims families sued

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 02:30 PM
Just read an article about the families of the four burnt and paraded blackwater employees, appearently they wanted to sue the company, but now the comapany is suing them, go read and tell me this isnt the sickest corporate/martial law style gestapo tactic you have seen. Blackwater, you a bunch of gun loving, money grabbing fools..shame on you. hell will not comfort any of you. Read the part where it meantions the presidents lawyer is with blackwater also.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:08 PM
I think it really depends on what was in the contract that was signed.

Did the families receive any compensation?
Did the families receive money from company life insurance policies?

This article is way to vague with the information provided.

Maybe what the families are trying to due violates signed agreements, of course a company will sue.

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