Hi Long Lance and StellarX:
Well, seeing your posts tells me that this is a smaller forum than I thought. I was directed to the Peak Oil forum as a place where I might find a
sign of life, but all I found were the stalwarts. :-)
StellarX, your posts are nothing if not thorough.
Long Lance, do you know where there are people capable of having rational discussions of the issues? I know of no place on earth where I can really
have that conversation. Is there another forum at ATS that seems more promising?
On Peak Oil, I see it like I do many other areas like that. As Chomsky says, Peak Oil is an irrefutable concept, unless you believe that oil is
abiotic in origin, which is far from proven (although I see many “alternative” sites treat abiotic oil as a fact, and even then, how much might be
created in the mantle? Are we burning that sustainably? ). The only question is how deep the well goes, and humanity is well on its way toward
environmental and geopolitical catastrophe under the “fossil fuel” paradigm. If Peak Oil is not around the corner, where is it? Twenty years
out? If China and India industrialized (they are on their way to doing so), Peak Oil is not far off, and the other side of Hubbert’s curve will be
insanely steep. I will not deny that various parties are going to exploit the situation, and are today, and there is the usual ferment around such
controversies, but we are burning up “fossil fuels” somewhere around a million times as fast as they were created.
Thomas Brown’s article is one of many like it. Look at his sources for it. I am not somebody who readily endorses the orthodox position:
but the case that Brown makes is far from certain. His sources are VERY fringe. I entered the Velikovskyan milieu back in the 1990s, and interacted
with most of the major players in the controversy – Ginenthal, Bauer, Ellenberger, Talbott, Cochrane, etc., and still have several pals from the
Catastrophic field. The experience was educational, but I would not cite V’s work to support an abiotic oil argument. I really do not want to
debate Peak Oil here. Free energy makes the entire issue moot. I believe that Heinberg is sincere, but free energy knocks his entire austerity
paradigm for a loop.
On the violence angle, I do not know about you, but I have had to face the urge to do extreme violence to evil-minded people (and if anybody ever had
“justification,” it was me), but when I overcame it, the miracle happened.
I firmly believe that the means BECOME the ends.
On our “power,” I see it very differently. We all have immense power, but we almost never use it. I see the situation how Orwell did:
But the Idiocracy has, in large measure, come to pass, at least in America. Just this morning I made a post to another forum that began discussing my
work, and I have not seen much evidence that anybody there even WANTS to understand the big picture. One person authored a nursery rhyme to dismiss
me, as he regressed to an infantile state rather than deal with the evidence and implications. What a long walk through the desert it has been.
When the dust settled in Ventura, I realized that 100 people of high integrity and commitment could bring easily free energy to the world. We would
have had a fair chance with 50. No violence, no coercion, just sentience and action. I slowly realized that those hundred people may not exist or
can be rounded up, after searching the planet for them for many years. So, I have tried another strategy, which I imagine you have read before.
It does not take many awakened people to make the difference, and I cannot imagine a bigger difference than bringing free energy to the world.
Be well,
[edit on 13-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]
[edit on 13-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]