posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:18 PM
My question is about a guy and his family around our way, who constantly is being arrested, / warranted/ and released ( apon bail payment ) and just
keeps starting stuff,
We call the cops, they come, talk and leave, not much gets done, but becuz of this lack of intervention on the cops part im sure there will be more to
the matter then police involvment, Im sure its gonna come to residential involvment.
My question is " What can be done, on a residents level about this obviously disturbed indiviual and his likeminded family members?"
I mean Cops have been called, and since nothing but words and loose threats are made they say nothing can be done other then what they do, Im kinda at
a intersection of thoughts due to this matter.
Do I take it into my hands next time ( which will be soon, based on his track record, (within days )) or Do I just let him keep disrupting our way of
I mean this isnt sounding like the cops are preforming their duties to keep lettin A REPEAT offender ( with drugs, and harmful physcial threats)
be let loose back on the street.
I have kids, and a wife and I do not wanna goto jail for kicking this guys $ to the point of no return, cuz it wont just be self defense it will
become self satisfying, Im very angery and Do not know where else to turn too.
Some help please.