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Questions About WTC Towers?

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posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
2. Skyscraper owners can not tell fire fighters how to fight a fire.

Then Silverstein's comment still doesn't hold up. What did he mean then when he told the firechief that "maybe the best thing to do would be to "pull it"? Either way, it doesn't fit and my belief is Silverstein mispoke because he was trying to look the hero (like Guiliani) on that PBS interview.

What I mean is, he was saying "look at me, it was my idea to pull out the firefighters, thus it was me who saved those lives". I say BS Larry.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
2. Skyscraper owners can not tell fire fighters how to fight a fire.

Then Silverstein's comment still doesn't hold up. What did he mean then when he told the firechief that "maybe the best thing to do would be to "pull it"? Either way, it doesn't fit and my belief is Silverstein mispoke because he was trying to look the hero (like Guiliani) on that PBS interview.

What I mean is, he was saying "look at me, it was my idea to pull out the firefighters, thus it was me who saved those lives". I say BS Larry.

Agreed Griff, these billionaire schmucks all have ego's that don't quit. I'm The call to Silverstien was a call only to let him know that his building was probably not going to survive the day.

Larry's ego does NOT in ANYWAY implicate him in the destruction of WTC7. This CT to MOST is a strawman argument.

Sorry to go off topic.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Larry's ego does NOT in ANYWAY implicate him in the destruction of WTC7. This CT to MOST is a strawman argument.

I totally agree. Either way you look at what he said, it doesn't make sense. The only sense it makes IMO is that his EGO was talking. Also sorry to go off topic. What was the OPers questions again? I'll have to look.

Edit: On topic. I have heard that the fire alarms in WTC 7 were set to test mode or something like that. Could that have affected the sprinkler system there?

[edit on 6/11/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:53 AM

For information on the systems set up within and around the World Trade Centers related to fire prevention go to the above link, scroll one third of the way down the page and start with the 1975 WTC tower fire and then continue reading, read through to building response.

I am still looking for info on whether the system would work in test mode, it seems a little strange as to how many tests were being done that day related to whether the 911 tragedy would happen as it did, N.O.R.A.D. testing and having training that day, the sprinkler system being tested that day also, sometimes too many coincidences is just too much to believe.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:58 AM
Fire alarms are commonly set to "TEST" status when people are working
on the alarm/sprinkler systems or in many cases doing general work
on electrical or plumbing systems. Reason is to avoid false alarms -
I'm a firefighter in NJ. Happens regularly when some smuck starts
working in building without resetting alarm or telling alarm company.
Causes lot of disruption as everyone leaves building, FD shows up
and starts checking. Can result in big fines. There is a sensor in
sprinkler plumbing which senses if water flowing indicating sprinkler
head open - often set off by flucations of water pressure if someone
working on plumbing.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 12:00 PM
Were they working on the plumbing or sprinkler system on 9/11? I don't know, that's why I ask.

An easy way to find out would be to go to the NYDOB website and look at work permits.

Unfortunately, there are no permits to look into for WTC 1, 2 & the old 7. There are permits for the new WTC 7 but very little (like 1 or 2) for the old buildings. Are they trying to tell me that in the 30 some years the towers were up, that there was NO work done on them?

Here's the site if anyone wants to check it out for themselves.

NYC Department of Buildings
Permits In-Process / Issued by Premises
Page: 1 of 1
Premises: 1 WORLD TRADE CENTER MANHATTAN BIN: 1081988 Block: 58 Lot: 1

103027626-01-EQ SH A3 - ALT3 01 11/21/2001 04/01/2002 ISSUED UDDIN MD TOHFAZ
102951922-01-EQ SH A3 - ALT3 02 04/18/2001 05/01/2002 ISSUED BLINN GLENN
102265362-01-AL A3 - ALT3 01 09/10/2002 05/13/2003 ISSUED AHERN MICHAEL
100418745-01-EW OT A2 - ALT2 01 05/18/1992 08/15/1992 ISSUED HENEGAN DANIEL

WTC 1 has 4 listed. but notice the dates of issue. There are only 2 that are pre-9/11. The others are for sidewalk sheds and temporary stage. The one from 1992 was for "minor partition changes on part of 39th floor as indicated on drawings". The one from 4/2001 was also for sidewalk sheds.

So, this is all the work that was done on WTC 1 since erection? I call BS.

NYC Department of Buildings
Property Profile Overview


WORLD TRADE CENTER 2 - 2 Health Area : Tax Block : 58
Census Tract : Tax Lot : 1
Community Board : 101 Condo : NO
Vacant : YES

Notice the "No previously issued permits found for this property". They are going to tell me that NO work was done on WTC 2 since erection? Again, I call BS.

NYC Department of Buildings
Permits In-Process / Issued by Premises
Page: 1 of 1
Premises: 2 WEST BROADWAY MANHATTAN BIN: 1086510 Block: 84 Lot: 36

104309990-01-EQ SF A3 - ALT3 01 03/22/2006 04/01/2007 ISSUED DEL MASTRO THOMAS
103534819-01-EQ OT A3 - ALT3 02 03/25/2004 12/31/2004 ISSUED KARAS GREG
100057974-01-EQ SH A3 - ALT3 01 06/13/1990 08/19/1990 ISSUED JAZWIECKI SIGMUND
100057938-01-EQ SF A3 - ALT3 01 06/15/1990 08/19/1990 ISSUED JAZWIECKI SIGMUND
1P0004195-01- 01 09/07/1990 09/07/1991 ISSUED BLINN GLENN
1P0001528-01- 01 04/27/1990 12/31/1990 ISSUED HEYDT MARK
1P0000990-01- 01 04/16/1990 04/01/1991 ISSUED HEYDT MARK
1P0000628-01- 02 09/11/1990 09/01/1991 ISSUED BLINN GLENN
1P0000577-01- 01 04/09/1990 09/10/1990 ISSUED BLINN GLENN

There are more for WTC 7. 7 total pre-9/11. That I could understand a little more since WTC 7 was built in the 80's and not the 60's.

Sorry to go so far off topic. Not really since we are talking about sprinkler work and such.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 09:30 PM
Permits are normally only taken out for major additions/alterations.
Mundane repairs do not require permits. The Port Authorithy had its own
maintenance staff and outside contractors to do repairs.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 09:39 PM

And with WTC 7, no one really knows about it yet, but are there any pictures of it's damage from where the towers stood? If there are it would show a lot of the reasons why it collapsed.

well, the guy who owned it at the time admitted to demolishing it. you have to be one hell of a skeptic to deny that, as he admitted it on camera.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by thedman
Permits are normally only taken out for major additions/alterations.
Mundane repairs do not require permits. The Port Authorithy had its own
maintenance staff and outside contractors to do repairs.

I'd like you to prove this to me. Please find a port authority building and post the permits issued from the NYCDOB website that I posted and then I'll believe what you are saying. I have been to that website alot and I can tell you that for ANYOTHER building, there are pages worth of permits issued. Thanks.

[edit on 6/16/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by thedman The Port Authorithy had its own
maintenance staff and outside contractors to do repairs.

Really you say. So, who signed Sakher Hammad's WTC pass to do work on the sprinklers?

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 02:07 PM
This is a good topic. I hadn't even put much thought into the sprinkler system, but I think it's a good bit of research to follow up on. Of course, whether you believe the buildings were brought down by weakened steel, or you believe they were brought down by controlled demolition, neither would have been truly affected by the sprinklers, but if it turns out as it appears, that they were not functioning (especially in WTC 7) that would just be another example of "coincidences" that occured on that day....Of which there are way to many.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

And with WTC 7, no one really knows about it yet, but are there any pictures of it's damage from where the towers stood? If there are it would show a lot of the reasons why it collapsed.

well, the guy who owned it at the time admitted to demolishing it. you have to be one hell of a skeptic to deny that, as he admitted it on camera.

Could you show us where he admits to it?

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

well, the guy who owned it at the time admitted to demolishing it. you have to be one hell of a skeptic to deny that, as he admitted it on camera.

Could you show us where he admits to it?

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