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911 Fly By Theory Is insane!

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posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 03:12 AM
recently i viewed a horrifing disinfo mocukentary called the pentaCON. i found it to be very very offensive because everyone knows there were hundreds of witnesses to the plane crash at the pentagon except for some initial confusion. now some crazy people are saying that the same thing might have happened at the world trade center.

see this posting for an example of how crazy the 911 deniers have gotten.

"Professor" Morgan Reynods

Here he is making a fool of the 911 deniers on fox. why would the government would never do anything to harm its own citizens? this makes no sense at all and has to be the loonies crazy conspiracy theory ever invented.

even the "loose change" conspiracy nuts proved that this killtown is a liar.

[edit on 9-6-2007 by Sarah Cohen]

[edit on 9-6-2007 by Sarah Cohen]

Mod edit: cap title

[edit on 6/10/2007 by kinglizard]

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 06:35 AM
This issue has been covered at least 40 times. You can use the search button on ATS.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 01:14 PM
Dont think because the few are going too far were all crazies, the majority of truthers still have there heads and go by the factual evidences like Thermate dripping on video and the demolition style collapses. But if that doesnt convince you, keep an open mind and watch this guys scientific breakdown of whats truly behind it all, you will be as falbberghasted as i was.

[edit on 9-6-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 01:24 PM
After seeing killtowns video on the CVR and FDR, and the apparent inconsistencies in the official story vs. what was known to be fitted to that aircraft type, I thought he was pretty serious, but just lately I'm beginning to wonder whether someone (or something) has got to him, unless I've just missed the bigger picture.

Indeed - as was written above - don't read too much into one side of the argument. This has more sides to it than a sphere! Aircraft hit the WTC. Too many witnesses on the ground to say it didn't happen. As for the collapses - there is plenty of documentary evidence to suggest very strongly that the WTC cause for collapse was anything but aircraft impacts and fire.

There was some solid research going on in this area, but it seems to have died (there were some structural guys looking into leaked blue-prints) but I haven't seen anything lately.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 02:38 PM
hes not saying aircraft DIDNT hit the towers, hes saying they werent commercial, as many on the ground claim. And they media overdubbed a preconditioned image of a plane. Also you can prove to yourself the video was engineered because footage after the strikes shows a bridge at different times, in the background over the ocean, there is no bridge there behind the towers, so obviously the media is complicit.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 02:54 PM
I get the feeling that Miss Sarah didn't really watch the full documentary.

It's also quite obvious that she has serious issues with the truth movement in general and supports the official conspiracy theory with a passion.

She also hasn't done very much reading in this forum since of course she should know that our research is supported to the point that the owners of this forum have provided us with our own area dedicated to it.

The Pentacon, Citizen Investigation Team

It's ok.

We understand how the information we present is difficult for a lot of people to understand or accept.

Let me make one thing quite clear.....CIT does NOT support the research of killtown or anyone who perpetuates nonsense no plane theories in New York.

In fact we are vehemently against them and strongly believe that they are harmful to the truth movement.

Let me also make it quite clear that the flyover alternative at the Pentagon is SECONDARY to the rock solid evidence we have provided proving the plane flew on the north side of the citgo making it impossible to hit the light poles and damage the building as outlined in the ASCE report.

Most within the movement doubt a 757 hit the Pentagon whereas this is not the case with no plane theories in New York.

So Sarah, I recommend you watch our documentary again with an open mind. Do you really doubt the independently corroborated north side claims of Edward Paik, Robert Turcios, Chadwick Brooks, and William Lagasse?

If so how do you explain the fact that they all saw the plane in the same place?

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 03:57 PM
I thought there were only keeping the original threads in this disinfo campaign.
There are multiple threads on this subject.
Remember, No Planers = No Brainers.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 04:13 PM

even the "loose change" conspiracy nuts proved that this killtown is a liar.

Whether he is a liar I don't know. But I do know he is inept.

I showed him a picture of WTC core columns. He assumed they were the facades.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
After seeing killtowns video on the CVR and FDR, and the apparent inconsistencies in the official story vs. what was known to be fitted to that aircraft type, I thought he was pretty serious, but just lately I'm beginning to wonder whether someone (or something) has got to him, unless I've just missed the bigger picture.

I think you just missed the bigger picture.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT
Let me make one thing quite clear.....CIT does NOT support the research of killtown or anyone who perpetuates nonsense no plane theories in New York.

Yeah, you guys support the OTHER flyby & bombs blew up the building theory.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:35 AM
The most horrifying thing in the PentaCon is the cop who goes all cop-like on the interviewer concerning "the official story" and steadfastly sticks to his guns defending what he saw, convinced that he's backing up the government version, when in fact he's tipping over the neocon applecart and stomping all over the apples. Thanks dragnet guy for giving us "just the facts." lol.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 12:26 PM
Yes the PentaCon has definitely added something to the discussion, those are mostly convincing eyewitness accounts. The leap to the flyover theory is hard for me, however official versions of the damage to the Pentagon show the angle to be more in line with the 911 Comissions Report.

Do you believe that paticular report?

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 12:50 PM
I personally subscribe to the broad outlines of the so called MIHOP (made it happen on purpose) theory, that is, that elements within the US government were involved in planning and executing. The stroppy cop in PentaCon is a good example of why the truth will eventually out, barring vast expenditures in bribes.

The fly over angle is an interesting one. It would be nice if the PentaCon guys combed the neighborhood on the other side of the Pentagon, possible across the river etc., to see if anymore cops with the "right stuff", who nobody and I mean NOBODY is gonna tell them what they saw, saw a plane fly over at that moment. However with an airport right there most of them are probably used to plane "flyover" and wouldn't have looked up from their doughnuts.

[edit on 10-6-2007 by ipsedixit]

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