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G8 agrees to cut CO2 50% by 2050

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posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 08:18 PM
G8 agrees to cut CO2

ROFL ... I can't believe this ... 2050 ... and meanwhile the scientific consensus is that there will be NO permanent ice pack left at the North Pole, and half the Greenland ice will already be gone!

All I can say is that these people must know something we don't ... that we are already doomed and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Its the only rational explanation I can come up with ... besides, it explains the massive disinformation campaign by the Bush administration.

We live in amazing times my friends ...

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 08:31 PM
I was going to say that it is better than nothing but I'm not sure it is. Especially with headlines like this.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 11:32 PM
They can say all they want. Like cmon... 2050? They have no clue what the earth is going to look like then. I always get a laugh when people get away with making comments like this which depict what might be done so far in the future.

When 2050 rolls around they will say "OK the date to reduce CO2 levels by 50% has been pushed to 2100."

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 03:57 AM
Yeah ofcourse we are clearly doomed.

How about you look at some of the data behind this imminent doom?

[Mod Note: Debating Global Warming/ Derailing Threads.]

[edit on 8/6/2007 by Umbrax]

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:26 AM
We could cut 20% of annual emissions simply by not burning down any more rainforest ......

I daresay much of the rest could be achieved by turning off the lights at night (if we didn't waste so much electricity by leaving so many things on all the time, then every householder and every business would save money. But strangely everyone seems very reluctant to do that. World must be full of folk with money to burn .....

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