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Media Protecting Rush Limbaugh

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posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 04:05 PM

AP Kills Limbaugh Painkillers Story

The Associated Press
Saturday, January 3, 2004; 5:06 PM

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Please kill the story Limbaugh-Painkillers, V9991. Rush Limbaugh has not been charged with doctor shopping.

A kill is mandatory.

Make certain the story is not used.

When Michael Jackson was sought by police late last year, the mainstream media could have cared less whether he had actually been charged with a crime yet - they had a field day anyway. Same with Martha Stewart (another liberal). But check out this accidentally leaked 'kill order" from AP on a story about Rush Limbaugh! "Please kill the story Limbaugh-Painkillers, V9991. Rush Limbaugh has not been charged with doctor shopping. A kill is MANDATORY. Make sure the story is not used." Also, notice how Limbaugh, who took up to a thousand illegally-obtained narcotic pills per month, is always described as "taking painkillers" - he is never referred to by the mainstream media as what he is: a JUNKIE or NARCOTICS ADDICT. "AP" stands for American Propaganda. --Michael Rivero
Doh!! Who says the media isn't controled?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 04:12 PM
And you all wonder why I hate those lying hypocritical repugnants.....

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:17 PM
That is interesting, considering the media usually doesn't wait for evidence. Except, of course, the already hated left-wing media didn't want to enrage the millions who have the sense to realize that Rush makes alot of sense.

Colonel, you again exhibit the the hypocrisy that sickens me when a liberal vomits his garbage, either by speaking or by typing. I say this, of course, because of your continued attacks on Rush, likening his addiction to pain killers from a failed spinal operation to that of idiots who are crack heads and horse shooters. Your venom directed at any stumbling Republican and turning the blind eye to the blatant lies and evil doings of the Democrats makes your opinion moot.

Eventually you will be run over by the works of the left because you had only a critical eye for the "Repugnants". I won't have time to laugh at you, though, as we'll all go down together, regardless.


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