posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:47 PM
Originally posted by HemlockAgain
alright but is this thing real. im not giving in to sceptics i just wanna know coz they made a film n'all
"Real" is relative to the person observing. "Real" depends on how much story you want to "believe" without evidence or corraborative facts.
Being skeptical, I think, should not to be regarded as a thing to "give in to". It is merely a tool for weeding fantasy from fact.
Any film(s) is nothing more than someones desire to express a story, real or not, to the masses or to make money from the same masses. In this case
this doesnt by any means equate "real" or not.
Seems that the general internet consensus is that this McPherson stuff is hooey, but I am sure that if you looked hard enough one could find a niche
of hard core followers that would argue otherwise, you always can. Reality is in the head of the thinker....its very personal sometimes so use the
head and decide for yourself....