posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:52 AM
Sept11 gave America the chance to really mould together a legitimate proposal with Arab nations, instead they botched it and announced Iraq.
Humanity had a big opportunity to become civil, but greed hijacked it.
If Iran is next crisis for mankind, it will forever go down in history, as an event triggered, through corruption in the Whitehouse.
Had this treachery not have been committed against the American people, and Iraq not invaded,
…Iraq would probably have been our ally against Iran......
the Usa cannot attack Iran, presently and succeed in its 'apparent goals'
Unless it uses tactical nuclear weapons, and is prepared to lose some air force and special ops.
Iran, could be contained with nuclear weapons.
Allow them their sovereign right to nuclear technology, but limit them to a very minute arsenal. Aka Nkorea.
a dozen bombs, at most.
Have all Arab and eastern nations draw up plans for a missile barrier focusing on all direct routes to the closest cities, something tangible in the
eyes of the UN and public opinion. Something that brings nations together, instead of arguing at the G8 summit over an eastern European defense.
Israel will have to deal with the fact, like the rest of the world that nuclear war could happen at any time, the focus of that missile barrier would
be on Israel, to ensure nothing could reach it from Iran.
then we should invest with them, in their economies.
Put billions into relations, to jointly establish large oil refineries and so forth, collecting that oil, that in the next decade, we are going to
NEED while we discover and design a free not polluting engine, and focusing on our economy.
Does it not discourage anyone, that the red lights are flashing in regards to Fuels, Water and the environment, yet we spend all our money, all our
manpower on aiding corporate visionaries setup this massive base that does nothing but rape people of their freedom, rape a nation of its resources
and men while forcing the children of the entire world to live in a society that is riddled with revenge, hatred and environmental catastrophes?