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Why California could become a nuclear wastelend

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posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Some years ago when my family was driving through the landscape we would play a game where the person would see something and then give a few letters from it's description and the rest of us would guess what had been seen. One family member excelled at the ability to see quite random sorts of things and one or two other people could sometimes breach the code and see the same randon things.

So why if President Bush goes to Europe and says that he is going to put in some missiles into Poland to protect democracy does it then become a near certianty that California becomes a nuclear target .

I just don't get it !

Well think back to your school days when you studied WW1 (or should have studied if you had a real history dept) and in this war there are these totally random and illogical battles occuring all over the place as
the Austro Hungarian and Turkish empires fall apart (and even the Japanese were involved picking up islands in the Pacific)
Thus push one chess piece and about 10 moves down the track the King or Queen piece will have no where to go and every experienced chess player can see it happening.

Russia has two sides (as does China to a much lesser extent) a West side and an East side.
Therefore with Europe already full up with all sorts of complexities not to mention the major waterway The Atlantic jammed packed full of things to keep track of movements; the prefered place for military adventures is the Pacific and The East where wide open spaces make planning less complex.

Now California is just by itself now so big that it rates as a world economy (with truely terrible design characteristics if one was thinking about saving oil) Therefore backed by mountains and deserts and seperate from the rest of the US landmass it sets itself up in a very special way as the target of choice..... but hey the closest I have ever got to California is seeing Hollywood movies and appallingly bad TV so maybe I don't have all the clues needed to work this one out !

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:03 AM
P.S Today Wed 6th June The New Zealand Government announced that it will fast track applications to come and live in this nation from people coming with more than $20 million NZ

Which is probably not you...but I just though you might have a friend in that fortunate position.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:52 AM
It's always been a a good target for a nice fat bomb and here's why:

- We're the world's fifth largest supplier of food and agriculture commodities.

- California's gross state product is $1.543 trillion

- If California was an independent nation it's economy would rank in the top 10 of all the countries in the world.

- California is responsible for 17% of the United States' gross domestic product (GDP).

- We have the second busiest port in the nation in Los Angeles/Long Beach.

- We have several military bases.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:20 PM
I don't get it. What has this got to do with the missile defense system in Europe? I think you're reaching in a very big way. Russia has historically been paranoid about Europe and understandably so. There's virtually no natural barriers between eastern Europe and Moscow. Russia has always been afraid that if an offensive push came from Europe the only way they could stop it from reaching Moscow was overwhelming (nuclear) response. They're afraid that the missile 'shield' would compromise their ability to defend against just such an eventuality. It really doesn't have anything to do with any colonial desire --- east or west.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:30 PM
a nuclear missile, detonating along the fault line in California will cause the whole west coast to slip into the sea, creating a whole new west coast. Luthorville. What's this? Otisburg? Otisburg?

Superman (the one and only, the original) gave you the best reason for a nuke on the west coast although there are some that might say Rocky Balboa and Rambo 14 (or whatever is coming soon) are reason enough

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:49 PM
If you have read what European contributors have been saying on this site in the discussion about the Bush-Putin debate over placing missiles in Poland you will see that even in Poland no one is very keen to have the things there.
Always throughout the Cold war period USA was able to use Europe as buffer between itself and USSR and by having a Berlin wall Europe was divided allowing USA to succeed on the margins while Europe was weak.

This week in Germany a profound historic event (no not the G8) with tens of thousands of quite ordinary European youth invloved in a truely momentous protest against the NWO as leaders vainly try to meet together and come out with some sort of intelligent statements on the subject of Climate change or whatever...
The protest has now become the story and if your TV station or newspaper reports something else from Europe this week you are being seriously conned as to what is important especially as these European future leaders are exersising their democratic right to make their concerns known.

Now i said all that just to make the point that USA has in Pres. Bush lost the Cold War option of redividing Europe and re-establishing a division in Europe which serves to allow the USA empire to dominate.
Already the balance of the world's economy with a weakening Dollar and a strengthening Euro is showing to any intelligent world watcher that USA is a hasbeen world empire and political power....
Thus Russia will never (and one wonders if in the cold war they ever intented to) will never invade Europe.
Tus if it hasn't happened already there will be all those very subtle pre world war discussions going on as to which side to back in conflict
Russia vs USA and if enough nations side up with Russia (such as China) then Europe will stand back and pick up the pieces after it is all over.
Now where do I get such devious thoughts from you may ask ?

Well when I was at bibleschool 25 years ago it was standard wisdom that all this would happen as you can read about it in the bible Ezekiel 38.
Now I admit that this does sound on the surface like Israel but the details of the prophecy fit better with USA especially when every Arab in the Middle-east is of the opinion that the backing of USA makes Israel what it is today....thus in the bible "mountains" have a meaning of a place of rulership with the bible claiming that the world's highest mountain will be in years to come Mt Zion in Jerusalem.

I hope this helps explain the unexplainable.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:46 PM
Portions of California wouldbe a target, not the entire state.

California is the most populous state, but the population is concentrated into the handful of megalopolises. CA is the most urbanized (population) state in the union, with over 93% of the state's population living in census defined urban areas.

My county, for example, is approximately the size of Connecticut, but with a population of 22,000. Outside of the one small military base there is no real target for any enemy to attack.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:15 PM
I think California was on the Nuke list a long time ago. I dont believe the Russians changed any of there targets since the so called Cold War.

California in General is targeted, New York, DC, and probably Florida are targeted. Russia has many more REPORTED Nukes than we do and with the amount of War Heads on each missle they probably have the Whole US targeted.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by hoochymama
...Russia has many more REPORTED Nukes than we do and with the amount of War Heads on each missle they probably have the Whole US targeted.

But it doesn't matter. Russia knows full well that any attack on the US would result in an all but unrecoverable counter attack. The entire foundation of M.A.D. is that the 'winner' will be rendered economically crippled. Part of our nuclear targeting doctrine (and that of the former USSR) was to target not only important military sites but every major industrial, energy, banking, agricultural and telecommunications site in the country. The idea, of course, was to make 'winning' so expensive that an attack would simply not be worth it. We realize (as do the Russians) that there is no way to neutralize enough nuclear fire power on either side to make an attack survivable (in an economic sense) by either side. Nothing has changed. Russia's concern is --- and always has been --- its ability to defend itself from an attack coming from Europe. A tactical nuclear engagement. Only an outright madman would consider an offensive attempt from either country.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 11:28 PM
I agree that Russia and the US KNOW that if there is a Nuke war it means Mutual Destruction. I firmly believe that Russia and the US, as far as the powers that be, want the same thing. World Government.

The reason why I made my post above which is Central to "Does it really matter if California is now on the Nuke list" is because we have always been on Russia's nuke list and if doesn't really mean a thing that Putin says this publicly. I think Putin and Bush are the same. Bush's daddy was the Head of the CIA (maybe he still is, how would we know for sure) and Putin was Head of the KGB.

I would guess this is a distraction so the US can continue its Military Complex take over with Russia's blessing since it DIRECTLY influences Russia's INCOME through the Hyper Increase of Oil Prices which makes Russia more money.

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