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Ok soldier zombies Possibility?

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posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 04:44 PM
Ok with the people who are currently in charge of our government that are so gung hoe about war, and $$$ for it, I truly believe they would try, and make a soldier they wouldnt be financially, or medically, or humanly responsible for, so every one says bringing back the dead is virtually impossible, so what about infecting people who are in death row with a virus?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 04:51 PM
This would fall under "cruel and unusual punishment" which is prohibited by the constitution.

(Now begins the debate as to whether the government abides by the constitution anymore.)

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 05:09 PM
Most governments dont need zombie soldiers to do their dirty work. They have perfectly healthy human soldiers that they can care less about!

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 05:18 PM
I agree with Hikix. There will always be a supply of men no matter what. You made a pretty good scenario for pondering though, LuckySarah.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 05:20 PM
to answer the OP's question; short answer no.

long answer
also, no.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 05:27 PM
Actually a freshly deceased corpse could be augmented with a remote control device. They have experimented with remote controlled cockroaches and mice.

a small device that would regulate the heart and resperitory system and a remote control in the brain one could take a corpse and re animate it. (sort of) of course the corpse would only be useful for a few days at most.

I think that it would be a lot of investment, but in the long term you would get a soldier that no one would care about...

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:09 PM
Ok but what about the possibility of the government creating a virus, or what ever to infect people, or animals, and instead of normal living healthy breathing people to fight the war they use the infected type like in that movie with Mila Jovavich resident evil? I just cringe that our government possibly has tried something like this, and maybe has suceeded, I mean they have done some pretty crazy stuff and experiments in the past no matter how pointless, or crazy, or dangerous! I live next to the guy that designed the switch for the atomic bomb Mr Johnston, and asked him if this was possible, and he said it was really far fetched, but possible! I am sure they probably have tested this sort of theory out, or pondered it??Is there really documentation of them testing this sort of thing on dogs??

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:28 PM

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:43 PM

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:34 PM
It would be extremely difficult for anyone to create a virus that would be able to disable normal biological functions and effectively create an "Undead Zombie". There are a few factors to consider about the subject:

First, we are talking about U.S. Foreign policy here and there role in the development of such a virus. The U.S. Biological Weapons program was ended in 1969 by Richard Nixon, and put a halt to all research done in this field. Throughout the 1960's the U.S. was actively involved in the Biological Weapons program primarily being researched in Ft. Detrick where simulated viruses and bacterial agents sort of proved that a weapon of sorts could be used effectively. However, it was later abandoned when the government figured out that the research was dangerous and that it may be quite easy for it to fall into enemy hands. Thus, the U.S. Biological Weapons programed ended, and any further research down this path would be considered a violation of a very direct treaty that was signed by the U.S.

Secondly, creating a new virus or a mutation of a known virus would be nearly impossible due to the vast numbers of genetic material that would need to be assembled to do so. A virus is a very simple creature, but the DNA or RNA enclosed in its capsid is highly evolved and uniquely structured. Not only would the entire genetic code of a known virus have to be known, but one would have to formulate the entire code of a new virus to carry out specific functions in the human body. There are specific triggers that are known to shut down specific parts of a human cells lifecycle, such as blocking the cells protein synthesis or prohibiting the mitochondria from developing energy. In spite of this, one would have to effectively carry out determining what the viruses function would be upon entering the host, and how it would disseminate its functions throughout the body. The virus would not only have to interact with Immune cells and Lymphatic cells as all known viruses do, but it would have to interact with the cells of the nervous system (neurons), and all these listed here: Cell Types in order to completely subdue the host. With the limited technology currently avaliable to do such a thing it is highly doubtful that this would ever occur.

Finally, to carry out such an operation it would take the cooperation of thousands and thousands of Scientists and Physicians. Not only that, but they would have to keep completely quiet about what they were doing, which given the large number of people it would take to create such a virus is highly doubtful they would be able to pull it off in complete secrecy. Also, as I have explained in various posts throughout ATS, a virus itself is not a living organism and really does not fall within our definitions of something that can be easily manipulated at will. We currently have no cures to viruses, and if we cannot even cure what we may eventually have the potential to create (as you say) we would effectively be creating our own destruction.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Actually a freshly deceased corpse could be augmented with a remote control device. They have experimented with remote controlled cockroaches and mice.

a small device that would regulate the heart and resperitory system and a remote control in the brain one could take a corpse and re animate it. (sort of) of course the corpse would only be useful for a few days at most.

I think that it would be a lot of investment, but in the long term you would get a soldier that no one would care about...

Incorrect. The "remote controllled" cockroaches and mice were alive, not deceased, and they were being controlled with electrodes connecting to the motor regions of the brain.

Once something dies, cells IMMEDIATELY begin dying, most notably the cells of the muscle tissue. You can't undo dead muscles, as they become rigid for roughly 72 hours, and then relax as they liquify. This idea of "remote controlled" corpses is unfeasible at best, and laughable otherwise.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
I think that it would be a lot of investment, but in the long term you would get a soldier that no one would care about...

Uhm... thinking about the decay rate of bodies after death, I'd say that they wouldn't last long and that they'd be a breeding place for flies and maggots and other horrible things. As the tissue decays, there's no way to make it twitch (muscles) or anything else.

And then there's the issue of parents. If someone turned YOUR little girl or little boy into a zombie, are you really going to just stand there and say "cool"? And are reporters going to ignore the zombie soldiers and pretend they're not there and not take pictures? Will the other people who see them (whoever they're guarding) just shut up?

I think not. I think if anyone tried it, there would be such a revolt that the ones who implemented the policy might acutally end up being lynched.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 07:53 AM
at the rate the many Brains at DARPA are going,

the zombie WarFighter is just a few incremental stages
from being created...

the following material is the current incremental step
in producing a cyborg/universal WarFighter
(soldiers will become only the rear eschelon support cadre
in the generational WOT)

here's the item that is launching this eventual cyborg WarFighter->
it called 'Luke's Binoculars"
found here:

related: "CT2WS" from DARPA
found here:

And here's the article that puts this both together
and gave me shivers as i read the article....
the author doesn't present the "Luke's Binoculars" disclosure
as a diabolical enterprise, but rather treats the mess in a
dainty way,

Titled: GI (government issue) Goes To A New Level

its thought provoking, huh?
i see incremental steps until 'we' become accepting of the 'enhanced' GI WarFighters
AKA; Zombie Soldiers

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