posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:29 AM
I am an athiest.
I used to be a baptist. In fact when I was 16 I was planning to attend seminary and become a pastor. My former pastor is still my best friend and I'm
cool with religion as he lives it- he's a great man because of his faith.
Even if I have a problem with somebody's faith, I consider it their business and none of the state. I don't have a problem with students praying on
their own time at school, I don't have a problem with religious speech, I don't think the simple word God is oppressive to athiests like myself, and
although I wouldn't go out of my way to put the ten commandments in a courthouse or elsewhere, I would be inclined to grandfather in existing
exhibits because I don't consider them oppressive.
But there are a few things that members who intend to vote based on their faith should know about me.
I'm pro stem cell, and I was even when I believed in God. I think that the logic comes out the same regardless of the existence of a God- it's not
fair to arbitrarily decide that one person, who would otherwise live, should die so that somebody who would otherwise die can be saved. But if one
life is already lost, there is nothing wrong with deriving from that the means to save someone else. That's no different than using organs from dead
I find abortion distasteful and rarely necessary but banning it would be a mistake. Because economic motives are common in abortion, banning abortion
merely brings children into lives of poverty with insufficient parental care, to such a degree that there is a correlation between increases in
abortion after Roe v Wade and decreases in crime rates several years later. Banning abortion can cause as much suffering as it is intended to
The thing to do is
1. Prevent unwanted pregnancy by teaching family planning, not just abstinence only, and encouraging the use of various contraceptive measures.
2. Not use government funding to promote or fund abortion.
3. Raise standards of informed consent for abortion.
4. Make the alternatives to abortion (raising the child and adoption) more practical and attractive by providing a social safety net which ensures
that American children can be raised at an acceptable standard, and by providing free medical care to parents who choose to give the child up for
adoption rather than terminating the pregnancy.
I hold Israel to the same standard as any other nation- they don't get a free pass. I don't subscribe to the idea that we should just let Israel
destroy whoever it wants to solve our problems. (as if they had the capability aside from their nukes)
To make a long story short, I'm not the evil athiest boogieman that some extremists would make me out to be, but like there will obviously be points
where any two people don't agree, and although I'm willing to compromise and talk things over reasonably with those who see things differently,
those who say "my way or the highway because God said so"- who I hope do not represent the majority of people of faith- probably won't like me.