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Disinfo agents, conspiracy theorists and believers....oh my

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posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 12:54 PM
What is a disinfo agent? This is somone who uses stories to misdirect. Plain and simple. If I told you the sun was coming up, they would state that it would not because of a Reptilian plot to melt the ice caps. A conspiracy theorist would state that HAARP was controlling the sun and a believer would know that after reading about it in 2nd grade, the sun is part of the solar system. Can you see where I am going?

This applies to the 9/11 conspiracy because it is growing more out of control everyday. What to believe? Who to believe?

If a person supports the official story, are they a government agent? No, because that is acceptance of reality and the resources available ot come to the conclusion that 9/11 was purpotrated by radical terrorists who completed the task they first tried in 93. I accept with an open mind any thoery but that does not mean I have to validate it by proving it wrong. It is a theory and it is up to the one who poses the hypothesis to resolve their own actions, not rely on others to disprove. This is the problem with many of the conspiracy theorists.

Now, if someone has proof and not conjecture that the buildings were demoed, I would love to see the documents and/or physical evidence. There are questions to ask?

Why? hatred
Who Benefits? radical Islam, not the US
How did it happen? start with the 9/11 comission report It is not disinfo or fictional as Loose Change is.

These are the questions that conspiracy theorists should look at. IT was not SIlverstien, since the buildings will cost more to rebuild then is paid out. We were going to war with Iraq because of UN sanction violations anyways, it just made sense at the time to someone to invade Iraq and get a stronghold becuase of the future of Iran. There is a much bigger picture here then thinking Bush is still around smoking cigars with his oil buddies. The is political.

Ask yourself who the true disinfo agent is. The one who makes you look at WTC and not flight 93, the one who makes you hate your government or the one who simply says, it happened lets not let it happen again. There is more to 9/11 then shaky videos. There are tons of videos that show the towers collasping, the people jumping ot their deaths and the fires that raged till the moment they collapsed.

I would like to know the defintion of a disinfo agent in the minds of the posters of this forum. thanks.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
I would like to know the defintion of a disinfo agent in the minds of the posters of this forum. thanks.

To me a disinfo agent is someone who knowingly spreads false information in order to change the direction of an argument or conversation. Plain and simple.

Many people believe different things about what really happened on 9/11. There's a thousand different theories on what really happened that day and the events that lead to it. My advice to everyone is do your own research on the matter... then compare notes with others.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 01:10 PM
Disinfo agents come in many flavors. Gerard Holmgren authored the best piece I've ever seen written regarding 9/11. He goes into detail about how these agents operate. Whether you are a skeptic, believer, truther, or a disinfo agent - I highly recommend reading this page in its entirety:

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 04:08 PM
So why is it that whenever someone on this site is cornered they accuse hte other side of disinfo or working for the government. I mean, we have better things to do then monitor this site for anarchy, you know?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 05:25 PM
Excellent post Esdad. I too have seen the term "disinfo agent" thrown about more and more these past few weeks and it's starting to get old. I'm sure you know the threads I am talking about...A few individuals in those threads call everyone that doesn't agree that the videos of planes crashing were faked disinfo agents.

Well done! Flagged by me.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:11 AM
I just wish they could point me in the direction of where I could fill out an application or how to make payment claim...I could use the extra cash. I'm not greedy, I'll even claim it on my 1040 as extra income. Unless there is a tax exempt clause or something.

But I think the deeper mystery is why any thread posted that has some grounds in reality recieves little to no attention? A big list could be compiled here.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:17 AM
Disnifo is something someone is doing with the motive of 'other' then finding or discovering the truth. Their not being honest on what their true motives are, and often it is to confuse a movement and have the movement turn on each other.

It is the motive that I look at. We all can be wrong, things like this.

Take for example the NO PLANES, that is pure disinformation because we all know, skeptics and regular 9/11 truth seekers that there was enough eyewitnesses that day who saw a plane.

So for anyone to introduce something like this, I highly suspect their true intentions and motives.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
If a person supports the official story, are they a government agent?


But they are victim of government disinformation which the purpose is (getting away with murder)

The only ones who are spreading disinformation on 911 are the ones who did the crime and invented the official story to put blame on the people who just happens to be located where they need to exploit resources from.

The collective gathering of theories is a result of people not buying the official story and trying to come up with possibilities as to what really happened.

They are not disinformation specialists, they are individuals who put forth their individual subjective and speculative opinions on how 911 was achieved.

Disinformation can only be accomplished by those who has a purpose and motivation to make sure no one finds out the truth, that's the official story.

The theories on how 911 was done as a result of not being satisfied with the flimsy official story is the individuals researching and subjective opinions, nothing more.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:34 AM
Here's the story, as best as I know: I'm not related to Michael Chertoff, at least in any way I can figure out. We might be distant relatives, 15 times removed, but then again, so might you and I. Bottom line is I've never met him, never communicated with him, and nobody I know in my family has ever met or communicated with him.

As for what my mom said: When Chertoff was nominated to be head of homeland security it was the first I'd heard of him, and the same for my family (and, FYI, we'd already sent the 9/11 issue to the press by then!). My dad and I thought there might be some distant relation. When Chris Bollyn called and asked my mom if there was a relation (introducing himself as only "Chris"), she said "they might be distant cousins." Like much in the conspiracy world, this was taken WAY out of context. (Another case in point: Bollyn called me earlier and asked "Were you the senior researcher on the story?" I said, "I guess so," -- that's not a title I have ever used, nor is it at all common in magazine journalism, but I was the research editor at the time, so it kinda made sense.) Nonetheless, I was one of 9 reporters on the story, not counting editors, photo researchers, photo editors, copy editors, layout designers, production managers, fact-checkers, etc., etc., etc. who worked on this story.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:37 AM
I have a theory--------bad way to start around here.

OK, I think, just opinion here, that it's a memory from childhood. The thing with JFK has been a cloud on America for generations now. The arguments have went back and forth in almost every household in the country. And now, down deep, we're scared we're going to make the same error that was made before.

I think a lot of the fuel for all the 'themes and schemes' about 9/11 is just that a lot of us grew up hearing about JFK, and how there was so much that wasn't explained, that people are now battling to get 'it' all out there to be examined.

Yeah, some of it is harebrained, but it's for a good intention. JFK has been dead longer than a lot of folks on this forum have been alive, and that's a long time for a nation to feel like it failed. Dreams of what America could be died that day, and a hole was left in the heart of a generation. Small wonder then that this time around everyone wants to make sure nothing is overlooked.

Such failings are hard to carry for decades, and our children saw the burden it put on us, even if they were born after the fact. They want to make it right this time. Maybe they don't reason it out just this way, but I suspect that deep down, it plays a part.

So go easy on a truther, they're just scared that our national heart cannot bear another 40 years of thinking we were so wrong.

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