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Dennis with Bill

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posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:41 PM
lets all stop thinking about this as a republican, demacrate thing its a human being thing..Its time for a change!it was good growing up in the Carter ,Reagan years .Secret wars are so much nicer..Our children dont get that though cause after good old Bill sold the coutry ala [NAFTA] we have a regime that just wants to rob and pillage and they will continue till we the people change it!Dennis wants what most off us want.Change Lets end NAFTA .LETS bring our children home Lets concentrate on our country first.There is people starving in America .We need to help rebuild this union..Dennis Kucinich is the peoples choice cause he is a true humanitarian.Just want to end on that there is other choices not bought and paid for already.08:39
Bill Maher Interviews Dennis Kucinich (04/27/07)
Tags:Bill Maher Dennis Kucinich HBO
Added: 1 month ago in Category: News & Politics
From: virtualmatter2007
Views: 7,979

85 ratings

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:02 AM
America first, while it may seem a good idea, is not a good thing in the long run,
should we be spending more money helping other countries than we spend helping
ourselves, probably not, should we stop helping everyone and only help ourselves, no,
not only is that a dangerous thing to do as it has the ability to spread the idea that
Americas are somehow better than others, but it is not compassionate and immoral.

The real problem is that we spend billions every year on things that either don't need the
money (giving Israel over a billion a year for its military) and also put more money
than needs to be put in other things.

Also, NAFTA is not a bad thing, even though people in all three member countries seem
to think so (Mexican farmers see America as using them, Canada sees themselves being
a branch-plant economy to the U.S. and Americans see Mexico as taking away tons of
jobs from Americans) in reality it has helped all three countries, and while there are some
parts of NAFTA that need to be revised or dropped, overall NAFTA has done a great deal
of good for America, Canada and Mexico, not only that but it has helped all three countries
become more integrated and created better relations.

Apart from that NAFTA is generally a good thing, as the Future does not hold an America,
Canada and Mexico, but a United North America.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:48 AM
There will be no NORTH AMERICAN UNION, although may elitists think so. I know 50 million Americans that wont allow it, and when I say wont allow it I mean wont. GOD BLESS GUNS. I also know about 10 million Canadians that wont allow and yes again GD BLESS GUNS. The Canadian Prime minster pulled out of the NAU publicly several weeks ago. IT IS DOOMED!!!

While Kucinitch is the best democrat up there, America needs and will get Ron Paul for president. He won all the polls online again tonite after the CNN NH Debates. Now 2 of thosepolls allowed multiple votes and in thos Ron Paul had over96% the others did not allow multiple votes and Ron Paul won everyone of those from 54% - 63%. Dr. Paul is the man that will rmeove the International Bankers, DEBT, Interest, give us REAL MONEY and take our military out of the world, which is a major reason most of the world hates us. He will cut nearly all bullcrap aid we give to foreign nations and he will protect our borders while not arming our enemies. He will do waya with NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and WTO... GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS RON PAUL.

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