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The Beast of Gevaudan (La Bete du Gevaudan)

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posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:39 PM
If you are French, you probably heard of the story about The Beast of Gevaudan (La Bete du Gevaudan). It happened a long time ago. But do you think there may be another coming of The Beast? It sounds strangely cryptid, I don't know how. But one banner stated a warning about The Beast during the time, and it stated:

"It is reddish-brown with a dark ridged stripe running downits back. Resembles that of a donkey-sized wolf. It has long, gaping jaws lined with sharp teeth, six claws on each foot, pointy, upright ears, a long, furry tail, and yellow eyes that seem to glow at night. The cry resembles that of a neighing horse."

Some thought it was a werewolf, others thought it was a demon (Possibly so?).

Has there been anything like that?

Please don't be to harsh with the posts.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:54 PM
I have read about this creature before, but I believe they said it was killed. Are you saying that the creature is back? If so, it would have to be something supernatural. Could you provide a link to where you read this information?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:57 AM
A couple of years ago there were a great thread on the topic (See here) with some excellent ideas on what "The Beast" could have been.

The historical references especially of the timeline makes the reality of the beast pretty solid, unfortunately it doesn't really clear up exactly what it was.

Amongst the theories is demons, werewolves, wolves, hybrid-wolves, mesonychids (very interesting theory!), lions (or other big cats), a hyena and many others.

There are a couple of these we can rule out, because of simple biological and behavioural characteristics.

Is there a particular reason why you believe it could have been a demon? Historically we don't have many cases of "demons" roaming the countryside looking for livestock, and even people to devour?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 10:42 AM
I agree with Gemwolf, there are a hundred and one other threads about the Beast of Gevaudan here on ATS. One theory was that it was an imported lion with armour on its hide. cool

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 11:00 AM
I too remember reading of a large wolf being slain.

This was during the time of myths and legends so the stories could have been embellished quite a bit.

Why has another wolf like beast of the same supposed proportions not been seen or talked about. With all the news coverage in todays world, why has this situation not occurred since?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Very good. My belief about similar attacks like The Beast have happened in a few places, etc. India. My belief that The Beast may be a demon comes form the other stories about supposed demons; bloodthirsty cretures that are like no other of their type. (Lions/Big Cats= The Beast? That would be silly. Artist drawings show that The Beast is a wolf/coyote or that of the canine family!)

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Here is a thread called, "Thought it was a wolf..." just to support my theory. If this article were to say prehaps that this wolf seemed like no ordanairy wolf, than prehaps, so?


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