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My Fellow Americans.

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posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Hello, I wanted to obtain an in depth analysis on other American posters thoughts. My question is what would it take? What action or event would it take for you to take up arms in a rebellion against a tyrant government? True sheeple are those who I believe to go along with whatever the government tells them and not second guess it. Also a lot of means to have an armed rebellion are being taken away all the while people are too busy watching TV.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Honestly... I think it would take a hell of a lot for myself and most Americans to engage in armed rebellion against the government. Until a majority of Americans are unable to find work, and unable to feed and shelter their families, no significant amount of citizens will engage in armed rebellion. You also have to take into account that the vast majority of Americans fear their military. Any sensible person would realize that without the support of a large portion of our armed forces, and without the involvement of a large portion of the American people, any rebellion would be squashed. Handguns and automatic weapons can only do so much. They have the F-16's, the precision guided bombs, cruise missiles, etc. And even though there is a large amount of firearms and ammunition in the homes of a lot of Americans, we would eventually run out of it without the support of a foreign nation sending us weapons.

Even in Iraq, the foreign fighters, terrorists and insurgents aren't having that great of an effect on our forces. They make some gains here and there, but with only a few thousand kills in over 3 years, that's not much. And they have the support of governments like Iran and Syria. They're also willing to blow themselves up. Are you?

Look, there's a hell of a lot wrong with this country and this government. But there's a hell of a lot more that's right with it. This is still the greatest nation on God's green earth. And I will always believe that. Now, unless any of these conspiracies on this board about the NWO and all that stuff turn out to be true, you will never see myself take up arms against my government. As long as our elected officials do not stand in the way of me gaining employment and supporting my family, and as long as they protect me from threats abroad and at home, then I find no reason to resort to violence. Despite the conspiracies you read about on here, the fault ultimately lies with the American people. We keep electing these people who only care about themselves and their campaign contributors. Until we stop voting for Democrats and Republicans (they're basically the same) and start electing some third party candidates who actually are willing to make serious changes, then most of us have no right to complain.

We need to exercise our right to vote. We need to overcome the belief that a third party candidate isn't electable. We need to hold our elected officials accountable. Right now, that is where the answer is. It's not in the barrel of a gun. And I don't think it will be for a very long time, if ever. It's a bit ironic because our founding fathers expected us to overthrow our government and create a new one quite frequently. Instead, this one has lasted for over 200 years. And it's not because they put fluoride in the water, either! It's because, for the most part, our system works.

So, if you're asking what it would take for myself to take up arms against my government? A hell of a lot more than what's going on right now. A HELL of a lot more...

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 06:55 PM
If the legislative process become inoperative, then I think that Americans would be likely to begin to revolt.

The Founders were geniuses, I'm convinced.

They built a system of government that has sufficient checks and balances to keep the ball rolling for well over two centuries.

Think about this.

America is at war. We have millions of potential enemies, who are bound by their belief in God to destroy that which they term The Great Satan.

I call this peril the most drastic that our country has ever faced, because it will not cease when a government is overthrown or a single tyrant is deposed, but will require a change of heart in something like 20% of the earth's population.

Yet, despite this emergent and unrelenting threat, the process that is America persists and we have the enemy and their fellow travelers as the most vocal among us.

Our way of life is hanging in the balance and you can't drive to the nearest "Get and Split" for a pack of gum without seeing at least one car with a bumper sticker on it calling for immediate surrender.

Americans spend hours at a time on boards like this belly-aching about how lousy our country is, while hundreds of thousands around the world are risking life and limb to get here so they can either blow us up or finally have a life worth living.

America. If you don't live here, either you want to live here or you want to blow it up. If you do live here, you can trash it from dawn till dusk every day of the week, all the while living the dream others would die for.

What a country!

[edit on 2007/6/3 by GradyPhilpott]


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