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9/11 a psy-op?

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:52 PM
What if 9/11 was a carefully planned operation including small anamolies and omissions of detail to expose and self-implicate leaders and floowers of ideologies that counter the US government?

Informal questionnaires and polls would not be nearly as effective as a real event to polarise and unite dissidents to the American way. The timing to the narrow election of a mostly unpopular president with verbal skills that are questionable and laughable at best. Add to it the fact that W developed his "aw shucks" country boy image after losing an election in Texas due to being considered an outsider rich college boy.

G. H. W. Bush was appointed Director of the CIA by Gerald Ford after Bush had convienced Nixon that the best course of action was to resign from office. Nixon and Regan both were concerned with Communist influences within our country in the 50's both in politics social elites of influence such as Hollywood.

The Red Scare of McCartyism not only sought out Communists but anyone that expressed subversive ideas. With the idea that 9/11 could be used to bring about the NAU by the Truth Movement, and many other un-American ideas, it doesn't take much of a spin doctor to proclaim the NAU is the ultimate goal after overthrowing the government on conjectured evidence.

So I ask could 9/11 been used to clearly identify and self-convict leaders and followers of subversive ideologies against the government? Clearly the government is watching and taking notes and many speak out now with complete impunity in ways never before.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:20 PM
9/11 was the catalyst for World War 3, through the War on Terror. Ritual Sacrifice of immense power.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Yes, it was a total PSYOP, and the main thing they used was TV Fakery in order to manipulate the public to support a bogus "war on terror."

If you actually study the video they aired, you will find out that most of it is blatently fake. They needed an excuse to allow Bush, an unpopular "Zone Three" president to execute his foreign policy of a massive middle eastern and central asian war. The only way they could get away with it was to cook up a fake "Pearl Harbor" event to boost Bush's popularity. The whole thing was designed to make people rally around the flag and to generate blood lust for war.

Here's terror drill footage being passed off as 9/11 coverage on CNN:

And here's former US Marine and Professor Jim Fetzer acknowledging the TV Fakery evidence.

There's a concerted effort to keep the TV Fakery and Media Hoax aspects of 9/11 from entering the popular consciousness, but that censorship effort is going to fail. Loose Change is censoring, 911blogger and 911truth are censoring, and so is the UK forum. They'll go down as war criminals and traitors. Too many smart people know how they executed the media hoax and it's all unravelling now.

Fight the 911 Octopus!

[edit on 2-6-2007 by bsregistration]


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