posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 06:40 AM
I've already searched for something about explosive flashes here and on the internet but haven't found anything that I'm looking for.
I did find several websites that show WTC7 "squibs" but thats not what I have noticed in the classic WTC7 collapse video.
In the second video on that page, entitled "full sequence from the 9-11 DVD" As the building collapses, you can see 2 or 3 flashes at the very
bottom right of the building, just above the blue building in front of it which looks like a set of stairs. This can be seen before the 3 second
I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but as I said, i cannot find another post that covers this, and I have only just seen it, it surprised the
hell out of me, as i didn't think i'd see actual theoritical proof of explosive charges.
I did say theoritical charges, if someone else has ideas about what these flashes are please say so.
And naturally if this is in the wrong area or has already been said, please let me know, i'm only saying this as I can't already find a post like