posted on May, 31 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Emperor Jack: Welcome! And thank you for such a thoughtful and thought-provoking post.
I agree with you, I've often thought this is the reason why entheogens in general are illegal now - they lead you to think outside the box, to
question, to analyze, to create and to visualize, among other things.
There was a book published previous to '___' illegalization which showed a picture of a spider that wove a web under the influence of '___'. THe web
was perfectly woven. In a later edition of the book, they picture showed the same spider, under the influence of '___' (so the caption read) and this
time, the spider's web was off-kilter and looked like it was woven by a drunk. I can't rememeber the name of the book, but I have a good friend who
has both versions and has shown them to me.