Of course, there were also the infamous triangle sightings in Belgium, also at night during the 1989-1991 timeframe.
They actually had a Unsolved Mysteries segment on these sightings on YouTube, but for reason, they are no longer there.
Well, apparently there were many cases of citizens and the Belgium national police sighted these at night with very strange and "other-worldly"
flying characteristics.
In addition, the Belgium military actually gave chase in F-16's after these flying triangles, and based on the flying manuevers they encountered,
there is no way that these triangles were blimps. Both ground radar and sophisticated radar onboard the F-16s locked on the triangles as they gave
chase for two hours. But they were simply too fast.
Here's an quote:
"[Before the RADAR had locked on for six seconds] the object had speeded up from an initial velocity of 280 kph to 1,800 kph, while descending from
3,000 meters to 1,700 meters . . . in one second! This fantastic acceleration corresponds to 40 Gs. It would cause immediate death to a human on
board. The limit of what a pilot can take is about 8 Gs. ..."
Here's some more **************
Belgium case shown below as it appeared in the July/Aug 1990 issue of CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) IUR (International UFO Reporter). I find it
extremely difficult to believe that the Belgian Air Force and national police would put their reputations on the line to say something of this sort if
there wasn't something substantial to it. Something had to really shake them up enough for them to say it as a combined group. The descriptions given
by the police in the video were amazing to say the least.
These people are trained observers to handle emergencies & wartime events. It seems to make sense to me to trust a _large group_ of trained observers
before I will believe any individual skeptic who _thinks_ he has proven otherwise.
>----Begin CUFOS article here----<
"On the night of March 30th, one of the callers reporting a UFO was a Captain of the national police at Pinson, and [Belgian Air Force] Headquarters
decided to make a serious effort to verify the reports. In addition to the visual sightings, two RADAR installations also saw the UFO. (Belgian
military says it was actually 4 different radars) One RADAR is at Glons, southeast of Brussels, which is part of the NATO defense group, and one at
Semmerzake, west of the Capitol, which controls the military and civilian traffic of the entire Belgian territory. The range of the two RADARs is 300
kilometers, which is more than enough to cover the area where the reports took place. . . . Headquarters determined to do some very precise studies
during the next 55 minutes to eliminate the possibility of prosaic explanations for the RADAR images. Excellent atmospheric conditions prevailed, and
there was no possibility of false echoes due to temperature inversions.
". . . at 0005 hours the order was given to the F-16s to take off and to find the intruder. The lead pilot concentrated on his RADAR screen, which at
night is his best organ of vision. The F-16 is equipped with very sophisticated equipment, including chase RADAR, which is not fixed directly ahead of
the airplane, but makes a wide search in an arc of 90 degrees left and right of the nose. . . .
"Suddenly the two fighters spotted the intruder on their RADAR screens, appearing like a little bee dancing on the scope. Using their joy sticks like
a video game, the pilots ordered the onboard computers to pursue the target. As soon as lock-on was achieved, the target appeared on the screen as a
diamond shape, telling the pilots that from that moment on, the F-16s would remain tracking the object automatically . . . .
For the rest of article: (scroll halfway down the link):