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Trumbull County Ohio Stunning UFO Sightings Documentary

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posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:42 PM
The Trumbull ufo story unfolded live on coast to coast when Art Bell
was hosting one night .. You can download the show somewhere and listen
to it .. it's quite interesting ! Good post !

[edit on 1-6-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:18 AM
I will start this by saying that although I completely believe that each of these cases could be craft from another world, it is quite possible they were something else. But the astronomer James McGaha is a complete and total moron, and anyone who thinks the guy is even somewhat credible or has a viable idea in that case, is also a complete moron. It's pretty clear who pays his salary.

Yeah, multiple police officers made a mistake indentifying a star or planet. How stupid does one have to be to do that exactly? These police officers chased a star or planet, had it hover low over one of them which mechanically affected his car (which would happen if the proulsion system from the craft was based on an electromagnetic energy source, much like the effects of an EMP), and then of course the police officer up on the tower, he mis-read three stars and planets, blinking like christmas trees in four different distinguishable colors.

I believe that each of these cases can be explained by different configurations of ARVs built in covert programs, or they can be explained by the plethora of off planet cultures observing us at any given time. But any other explanation is just humans being stupid as usual.

I mean, why is it so hard for people to accept that off planet cultures are real and they've been here for a long freakin time? That a public disinformation campaign has existed since the 40's and that the big media is almost entirely controlled? Is 200 trillion dollars worth of proven oil and coal reserves, that people own, so hard to understand?

Thousands of cases prove it, hundreds of highly credible military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses have come forward with documented proof of it. Hundreds of video's have been taken including nasa's own cameras.

They must be looking down at us and just shaking their heads. How could a race be this intellectually incompetent, which is what the human race is.

It's rather sick actually.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:56 AM
These are pretty compelling cases, unless a large number of people have conspired to "have us on" there is little doubt something genuinely bizarre happened and I am willing to bet my house it wasn't the mis identification of a bloody star!

I wonder if any serious follow up has been done on these cases? We may dig into the Ohio case a little deeper this summer, I've got family in Mentor, so a trip could easily be arranged.

If anyone has any good contact info for any of the people involved (witnesses) I'd appreciate you sharing it with me.


[edit on 6-2-2007 by Springer]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:18 PM
Great videos, really and truly is hard evidence that UFOs exist. That astronomer had absolutely no Points at all.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:18 PM
Great videos, really and truly is hard evidence that UFOs exist. That astronomer had absolutely no Points proven at all.

o yeah, does anyone have any idea when this was broad casted?


[edit on 2-6-2007 by triviumfan321]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Good post. I must say in most of these cases of UFO's the De-bunkers end u infuriating me more than anything else. Most people, especially in the case of multiple witnesses are not idiots. I saw a sighting in 1984 central CT with well over 500 witnesses, hell cars were pulled over with people outside watching. The next morning it was explained as ultra-crafts flying in formation. That was simply a bold face lie.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:33 AM
The best line of the whole video came from the officer that climbed the old radar tower and saw the 3 ufos.

If these are planets then they're planets with Christmas lights on them.

The astronomer that they brought on to debunk this was a tool. How would it be possible that someone could call in a report about a fireball that was still hanging around later when the officer arrived. Anyone who has ever called for the police to check something out knows that it would take at least 10 min for them to arrive. That's being really optimistic.

I love how he points out that police are not qualified to look at the sky, but he's somehow a qualified to explain that cars can just stop at odd times unexplained. Who is he? Mr. Goodwrench? Did anyone else see the irony of that statement?

We don't know what it was, but we know what it was not. It was not a planet or a fireball. I suspect the FAA controller didn't see it because he was afraid he would lose his job if he admitted he saw things that didn't show up on radar.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by dbates]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:46 AM
I love it when she puts the word out to the officers and it cuts to a fast food joint.

I did enjoy the 2 video's btw

The large guy with the wig and glasses toward's the end bugged me.



[edit on 3-6-2007 by h3akalee]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:01 AM
Hello all,

Amazing video clips

I was just thinking in relation to the earlier discussion regarding cameras on Police cars, etc... In the video its mentioned that it was traveling down the streets, im not 100% certain of the height this object was at but wouldnt any security cameras or traffic cameras have captured this...

Im certainly going to try and find more accounts of this and see if some form of 'route taken' could be marked out on a map.


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:13 PM

I have just started doing a little digging regarding this and have come across the actual transcript (not complete though) of the police radio and telephone calls during this time. It made great reading, i found it even more fascinating than the video as it really gives you some idea as to how many people witnessed this over quite a large area

Here's the link to it


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:28 PM
I have to agree with the sentiment the "astronomer" made an utter ass of himself. To make the statement that dozens of civilians and police officers are not qualified or trained to observe odd objects in the night sky is ludicrous.

How the heck does he know there were no astronomers, aerospace engineers, meteorologists, astrophysicists, etc... in the group? He ASSUMED it, that's good scientific method! NOT

Additionally, the comment that the officer who was UNDER the object was seeing a "fireball or a meteor" was just STUPID IMHO. While I generally avoid speculating as to whether people like this are paid dis informants or just so arrogant they are blind in this case I had to speak out.


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 05:49 PM
I have to agree also that the astronomer made an ass of himself. I understand that people have a right to there opinion, however how can one dismiss the 15 police officers accounts of what happen. I thought being a man of science (ie astronomer) that they are suppose to keep an open mind. Also Police officers are trained in being great observers. (Not all) The FAA Tower not seeing a thing is just more proof that the government is still trying to keep the truth about UFO's from the American people and the world.

[edit on 06/2/2007 by tjshultz]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 03:18 PM
For being such a miraculous and 'bigger' UFO story, I've never heard of it! Amazing! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:56 AM
This incident is pretty convincing.

The only mundane explanation I'd be willing to accept is that a top secret aircraft was flying over the area. The same goes for other sightings of black triangles.

Of all the possibilities I know, the only further explanation that makes sense is that the black triangles are actually stealth blimps. However, I'm very skeptical about the military producing these blimps, the effectiveness of which would be questionable in the context of modern warfare/espionage.

Does anyone have any info on the stealth blimp and whether it's actually been tested?

It seems weird that a stealth device would fly over populated areas (as black triangles often have). I could accept the possibility of a test run, by which the military would assess public reactions to sightings of a top secret vehicle, but black triangles have been spotted too many times for this to be a viable explanation.

Also, it doesn't make sense, if you ask me, to adorn a low-flying stealth blimp with a bunch of lights that make it visible for miles around.

Finally, black triangles have been spotted for decades. One investigator in Britain dug up black triangle sightings dating back to the 60s.

Now that the thread has established that the object was most probably a vehicle, would it be possible to steer the discussion towards potential candidates, starting of course with the terrestrial kind?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by cambrian77
Does anyone have any info on the stealth blimp and whether it's actually been tested?

To my knowledge the only real reference that anyone has made on stealth blimps was in a Popular Mechanics magazine.

[edit on 5-6-2007 by dbates]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Thanks dbates. I found a study by the NIDS about the black triangles, concluding that they are in fact blimps:

This does not explain certain maneuvers that the black triangles are capable of performing according to a number of witnesses. Neither does it explain the lights. I just can't understand why a stealth blimp would be decked out with all of those lights, and even if it was, why the lights would be turned on when the craft was flying over populated areas.

What's more, the projects leading up to the hypothetical stealth blimp began in 1982. Black triangle sightings go back several decades before that.

Finally, the US military tends to publicize covert aircraft once they are being used actively. It seems weird to me that most stealth aircraft would have been declassified while the blimp remained secret. IMO, if the blimp had proven viable and effective, we would have learned of it by now.

Given these points, can we say that the mystery regarding Trumbull and other sightings endures?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 12:15 PM
Don't forget to see the Illinois UFO sighting. They mention triangles as well and some of the maneuvers that the ships make would be difficult for a blimp.

Google Video Link

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Of course, there were also the infamous triangle sightings in Belgium, also at night during the 1989-1991 timeframe.

They actually had a Unsolved Mysteries segment on these sightings on YouTube, but for reason, they are no longer there.

Well, apparently there were many cases of citizens and the Belgium national police sighted these at night with very strange and "other-worldly" flying characteristics.

In addition, the Belgium military actually gave chase in F-16's after these flying triangles, and based on the flying manuevers they encountered, there is no way that these triangles were blimps. Both ground radar and sophisticated radar onboard the F-16s locked on the triangles as they gave chase for two hours. But they were simply too fast.

Here's an quote:
"[Before the RADAR had locked on for six seconds] the object had speeded up from an initial velocity of 280 kph to 1,800 kph, while descending from 3,000 meters to 1,700 meters . . . in one second! This fantastic acceleration corresponds to 40 Gs. It would cause immediate death to a human on board. The limit of what a pilot can take is about 8 Gs. ..."

Here's some more **************

Belgium case shown below as it appeared in the July/Aug 1990 issue of CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) IUR (International UFO Reporter). I find it extremely difficult to believe that the Belgian Air Force and national police would put their reputations on the line to say something of this sort if there wasn't something substantial to it. Something had to really shake them up enough for them to say it as a combined group. The descriptions given by the police in the video were amazing to say the least.

These people are trained observers to handle emergencies & wartime events. It seems to make sense to me to trust a _large group_ of trained observers before I will believe any individual skeptic who _thinks_ he has proven otherwise.

>----Begin CUFOS article here----<

"On the night of March 30th, one of the callers reporting a UFO was a Captain of the national police at Pinson, and [Belgian Air Force] Headquarters decided to make a serious effort to verify the reports. In addition to the visual sightings, two RADAR installations also saw the UFO. (Belgian military says it was actually 4 different radars) One RADAR is at Glons, southeast of Brussels, which is part of the NATO defense group, and one at Semmerzake, west of the Capitol, which controls the military and civilian traffic of the entire Belgian territory. The range of the two RADARs is 300 kilometers, which is more than enough to cover the area where the reports took place. . . . Headquarters determined to do some very precise studies during the next 55 minutes to eliminate the possibility of prosaic explanations for the RADAR images. Excellent atmospheric conditions prevailed, and there was no possibility of false echoes due to temperature inversions.

". . . at 0005 hours the order was given to the F-16s to take off and to find the intruder. The lead pilot concentrated on his RADAR screen, which at night is his best organ of vision. The F-16 is equipped with very sophisticated equipment, including chase RADAR, which is not fixed directly ahead of the airplane, but makes a wide search in an arc of 90 degrees left and right of the nose. . . .

"Suddenly the two fighters spotted the intruder on their RADAR screens, appearing like a little bee dancing on the scope. Using their joy sticks like a video game, the pilots ordered the onboard computers to pursue the target. As soon as lock-on was achieved, the target appeared on the screen as a diamond shape, telling the pilots that from that moment on, the F-16s would remain tracking the object automatically . . . .

For the rest of article: (scroll halfway down the link):

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 01:51 PM
The Belgium incident is probably the most interesting case involving black triangles. The reliability of the witnesses and the amount of available information make this a very difficult case to debunk or even question (which is probably why it's rarely mentioned).

Any meta-analysis of the "black triangle" group of sightings would almost undoubtedly conclude there is something there, that the objects in question are in fact vehicles of some sort, and that they display a level of technology leagues ahead of anything our civilization has produced.

The possibility exists that these craft are covert vehicles of some kind, but this seems extremely unlikely -- if not unthinkable -- given the number of sightings over decades. Also, the fact that the craft have been reported in several different countries' airspace makes this hypothesis extremely unlikely. What kind of nation would parade its biggest secret in front of the people they are trying to hide it from?

For these reasons, in the case of the black triangles, I think it is safe to raise the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by cambrian77
The Belgium incident is probably the most interesting case involving black triangles. The reliability of the witnesses and the amount of available information make this a very difficult case to debunk or even question (which is probably why it's rarely mentioned).

Any meta-analysis of the "black triangle" group of sightings would almost undoubtedly conclude there is something there, that the objects in question are in fact vehicles of some sort, and that they display a level of technology leagues ahead of anything our civilization has produced.

The possibility exists that these craft are covert vehicles of some kind, but this seems extremely unlikely -- if not unthinkable -- given the number of sightings over decades. Also, the fact that the craft have been reported in several different countries' airspace makes this hypothesis extremely unlikely. What kind of nation would parade its biggest secret in front of the people they are trying to hide it from?

For these reasons, in the case of the black triangles, I think it is safe to raise the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations.

After several of these incidents involving triangles with exceptional flying capabilitiies, the Belgium military actually held a press conference - high ranking officials - to the media, and showed what was observed on the F-16's radar as the planes chased after the triangles.

There was actually a professor of aeronautics from the Belgium military flight school who analyzed the situation and the data from the radar, and he stated something to the effect that is no other plausible explanation than one involving extra-terrestrial beings. The triangle was seen to break the sound barrier several times (tracked by several types of radar), while no one heard sonic booms. The triangles also were silent, quite difficult for crafts of that size flying at such incredible speeds.

I know that it's incredible to think that other worldly beings have visited us (for the longest time, I nevered believed in UFOs), but this case, is one among many others, that have led me to believe this alien explanation as a very strong possibility - as crazy as it sounds.

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