posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:19 PM
(I would just like to say first that I have read many things on ATS for years, but I have never signed up because I never got the time, but now I have
and hope in my future posts my ramblings make sense)
A few months ago I bought a book about Freemasons. A few weeks after that my dad saw it in my room and decided to talk to me about it. He told me that
my grandfather, his real father, was a lvl 34 freemason (I would have the ring but my dad said that his father's sister took it or something like
that). This bit of information made me think. What does this mean for me? What does freemason parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles mean for us? My
father went on to talk about how my grandfather was in it ever sense he was 13 or so and was recruited by his father as his father entered him. I
guess they like to keep members in the family, or at least the loyal ones. This also made me think. Will I be recuited, or my brother? I have never
really heard of a female being in the Freemason society though I dont really know much.
By the way, I still haven't read the book. Im too slothful I guess. I will read it someday..maybe..