posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:15 AM
Hone Harawira is nothing more than an ill-informed, monumentally racist moron who's mother brought him up on misguided and biggoted myhtical legends
that have no factual evidence to back them up whatsoever.
His behavior both on and off national television is nothing more than an embarresment to his people and this country in general and his language is
some of the most foul mouthed, immature, pathetic, uncontrolled, back-water gargabe that i have ever heard, to say that he is an extremely poor
example to the younger generations (both maori and non-maori) is the understatement of the century.
He purpetuates and has dedicated his life to New Zealans biggest historical lie and one of the previously posted topics of debate on archeological
cover-ups in history.
Anyone who humours this man with one second of their time has lowered themselves to his level of stupidity and ignorance... the man and his followers
are too stupid to realise that activism and politics operate under completely differnet rules and the fact that he has been allowed to behave the way
he has without some sort of censorship, loss of parlimentry privelage or (lets be honest here)... criminal charges is an embarressment to this
beautiful country of ours and the elected government running it.
Grow up Hone, and let your people grow with you !!!