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who benefits most from the 9/11 conspiracy theories

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posted on May, 30 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Who benefits most from the 9/11 conspiracy theories?

This horse has been beat to death, but who would really stand to benefit most from this spinning this tragedy?

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 05:50 PM
I would say the conspiracy theorists benefit the most. Too many theories omit pieces that invalidate the theory. When pointed out, too many still dismiss the information. Not all do this, that's why I seperate things into the Truth Movement and the Fact Movement.

Truth is the philosophical search for a belief. The search for Fact is the validation of evidence as irrefutable.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 10:19 PM
Thank You Ahab, And how exactly does this benefit the CT's ?

I realise this is a real toucy subject and I am new to the forum, maybe my first topic is to controversial.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 12:49 AM
Perhaps I should wait until you get scolded for encouraging me for an opinion. Yes my inital response is a bit snarky. In viewing the events and explainations and outright guesses as to what happened on 9/11. You have the offical government story that you can believe or find suspect. If you believe it then it becomes a question of to what level.

If you say 19 arabs highjacked four planes crashed 2 into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon and one failed to meet its target and crashed in a field in PA. The towers fell, we were all shocked and then got on with our lives because that explaination was good enough for you then you fall inline with the majority of everyone else in the world. You followed the classic five stages of grief: Denial and Isolation, Anger, Bargining, Drepression, and finally Acceptance.

Here is where it becomes interesting. Something can happen during this process. Sometimes a stage gets skipped or runs differently. It doesn't make the person defective or wrong it just happens. As to what exactly is hard to define. It could be that during Denial and Isolation a social circle forms and natural conformity takes over with the Alpha personality driving the stages during the Anger and Bargining stages agreements can be made and depression is skipped or a person may not fully leave the Isolation stage and network into a more advanced group and find early Acceptance while still angery of depressed from still feeling the polarisation of Isolation.

A social group can still be Bargining and begin accepting validity in a brainstorm bargining session. Conclusions begin being drawn that out of phase and then we see some Anger as accusations are drawn from conclusions. Often the rightous anger of "how can they let this happen?" becomes "how did they let this happen?" In answering that question we start to see births of true conspiracy theory.

All that said, not all conspiracy starts this way. Sometimes the bored but influental introduce ideas that are plausable fabrications that become conspiracy theories of their own. Of course there people that truely are paranoid and delusional that invent ideas of their own. With constant reenforcement of these ideas they can become lexicon within weave of theories surrounding a large event or subject.

Now for real fun: As the smaller social groups network and begin sharing ideologies the theories and groups become more intertwined and start tests of validity. As the groups expand into conglomerates then rules of social order develop and it becomes a culture with identity and unacceptance to outsiders that disagree with fundamental ideas. A negative word for groups not accepted by the outside general norm are called Cults. In that sense the Truth Movement could be called a cult.

So could Christianity as that formation was similar as was Islam. As did the Hebrew slaves that existed under a benevolent Pharroh that invented a Monotheistic Religion to the ancient Egyptions that would have released the slaves but died and had almost all evidence removed by his successor. Those ideas could have been kept and became Judaism among the Hebrew slaves. Much like Voodoo did among the haitians combining element of African tribalism with Catholic dogma.

That is why I replied that CT benefits the CTer. Of course the above is only my observational opinion. And is the basis for advocating searching for fact over truth. I fall in the group that I described in the second paragraph. But after all these years decided to check into what the Truth Movement is all about to see if maybe they had something and that is what kept them going. Some ideas are so far out there I fear they will never make it back to reality. Some ideas are not, and have potential of being very valid if they can be examined with less agenda affected minds.

[edit on 31-5-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Let me digest this,

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 05:13 PM
Who benefit most? Has to be the conspiracy theorist. They wrote books, made videos, and also donations to the truth movement. Before 911 they were nobody. Look at how much money Steven Jones made from all his books.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 05:29 PM
By the way, WTC 7 is debunked here. THe debris from the towers shows clearly that it fell on WTC 7. The End.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Who benefits most from the 9/11 conspiracy theories?

This horse has been beat to death, but who would really stand to benefit most from this spinning this tragedy?

Well what do you think? That's a very broad-based question. there are many different CTers and revisionists, mant different types of theories, many different effects at different levels.

For example I believe in at least a LIHOP scenario where the defenses failed on purpose. I'm skeptical of the demolition theories, vaguely enterian remote control theories, dismiss holograms and "TV fakery," believe a 757 hit the Pentagon, skeptical on the 93 shoot-down, ambivalent on external terrorist involvement, adamant that the people who failed to stop it benefiting immensely is highly suspicious.

So who benefits from what? In the big picture sense of who benefits from, say, Loose Change, a little bit of everyone. A few bucks to the kids behind it, an eye opening experience for many, a tragic let-down when further investigation proves half of it wrong and the rest doubtful, a distraction possibly for the real perps and a truth derailer.

As amfirst points out, for example who benefits from ignoring WTC7 damage and fire, all far worst on the south face where tower one ripped it up. Who benefits from looking only at the untouched north side with only a few fires and saying "it was undamaged. HAD to be a CD?" Certainly not the "Truth" movement in the long run.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 08:26 PM
well, it was 'conspiracy theorists' who ousted england's yoke from american shoulders, so in that case, it was the people of america who benefited.

when the watergate conspiracy was uncovered, it was the american people who benefitted.

when the iran contra scandal was uncovered, it was the people of america who benefitted.
and now, it is the same crew in the whitehouse that perpetrated the iran contra scandal, and so, if these 911 military/industrialist criminals can be exposed by conspiracy researchers, it will be the people of the whole world who benefit when this criminal cabal is totally exposed and brought to justice.

already, many regular joes have seen backstage, and now know more about the machinations behind the curtain of the global theatre.

JFK himself, in a speech given a few weeks before he was assassinated, said there was a 'monolithic conspiracy' that represented the biggest danger that the free world had ever faced.

'conspiracy theory' is not a bad word, and does not mean 'paranoid'.

conspiracies are a fact of human nature. ignoring them does not change the fact they exist.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 08:36 PM
Daschle, Brokaw, Leahy, and the New York Times.

CTists are slowly but surely doing the work and uncovering the facts in the search for truth about 9/11 that those above were forced to abandon by the Anthrax Attacks.

Oh, and the vast majority of the American public (barring backlash from desperate fascists in the form of another staged attack on them, of course).

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by billybob
1)well, it was 'conspiracy theorists' who ousted england's yoke from american shoulders, so in that case, it was the people of america who benefited.

2)when the watergate conspiracy was uncovered, it was the american people who benefitted.

3)when the iran contra scandal was uncovered, it was the people of america who benefitted.
and now, it is the same crew in the whitehouse that perpetrated the iran contra scandal, and so, if these 911 military/industrialist criminals can be exposed by conspiracy researchers, it will be the people of the whole world who benefit when this criminal cabal is totally exposed and brought to justice.

4)already, many regular joes have seen backstage, and now know more about the machinations behind the curtain of the global theatre.

5)JFK himself, in a speech given a few weeks before he was assassinated, said there was a 'monolithic conspiracy' that represented the biggest danger that the free world had ever faced.

6)'conspiracy theory' is not a bad word, and does not mean 'paranoid'.

7)conspiracies are a fact of human nature. ignoring them does not change the fact they exist.

--note--quote edit to add numbers to point--Ahabstar

1)Despite repeated attempts of pettion to have represents in Parlament it was denied. Taxation without representation was very real. As was the group of conspirators to treason that wrote the Declaration of Indpendance proclaiming a divorce form being subjects of Great Brittan. No theory, they did commit conspiracy of treason. We won, thus no punishment.

2)True. It was a conspiracy to commit felony breaking and entering and theft.

3)Being found guilty (if they were) does not automatically make you guilty of something else unrelated. Guilt was also absolved by presidental pardon. An often abused power, but a needed power none the less.

4)Not sure of what this point made directly refers to so no comment pending clarification.

5)Common belief is a reference to Communism spreading worldwide, only JFK knows for sure exactly what he meant. Side note Reagan was so afraid of the spread of communism the Philipines said they were thinking of turning communist to get more US Aid.

6)Very true. CT is strong suspicion of a group conspiring or did conspire to do something. The offical story is also a CT as not all claims could be proven. They suspected al Qadea and OBL, when they said it. They now have stronger claims but I doubt they have 100% irrefutable fact that proves it. I can however accept it is highly likely Al Qadea did do it.

7) Yes, they are. I gave a good opinion of origin a few posts up. People think all propaganda is bad too. The old VD films are propaganda but protecting youself is a good idea. The Duck and Cover film were propaganda and quite funny, as they only protected you from debris. "Remember when you see the flash, at best you're blind at worst you're ash, so F another". Musical parody at its finest there.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 02:11 AM
that question is the one that will someday be answered 'hindsight is always 20/20'. if of course any party other than 'al queida' orchestrated the attacks, that group has the most to gain from the 'conspiracy theories'. what we have to realize here is that there is unquestionalbly a conspiracy. one to cover up information. there is information that has been removed, altered, and otherwise deficated ever since the first minute of the first attack.

how deep it goes i cannot answer. the story could be very similar to the 'official spin' with information only missing where absolutely needed to protect our interests.

I seriously doubt that but i am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone. however as i mentioned there is certainly some level of cover up, and only by knowing who is covering up what could we answer the question 'who benefits from the theories?' honestly.

my guess is cheney and rumsfeld, no bush.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 05:40 PM
IMHO, terrorist benefit most from the CT's, not that I think any government should not be watched, but i am not a fan of the 9/11 CT's,

Americans cannot even have their own disasters, for heaven sakes

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:06 PM
Good post billiybob.
But just a few clrifications:

Originally posted by billybob
well, it was 'conspiracy theorists' who ousted england's yoke from american shoulders, so in that case, it was the people of america who benefited.

and the elites of America, and the elites of England once we got on our own two feet and re-joined the Anglo-American Alliance. It's worked out pretty good for the UK all in all.

when the watergate conspiracy was uncovered, it was the american people who benefitted.
And the Bush faction of the GOP, and probably others whose own shady agendas conflicted with Nixon's.

when the iran contra scandal was uncovered, it was the people of america who benefitted.

No ready rejoinder for that... seems an unqualified victory for decency and truth.
So where on the spectrum will the 9/11 revolution fall? Will it be on or off the master script? That's what we have to attend to.

and now, it is the same crew in the whitehouse that perpetrated the iran contra scandal, and so, if these 911 military/industrialist criminals can be exposed by conspiracy researchers, it will be the people of the whole world who benefit when this criminal cabal is totally exposed and brought to justice.
conspiracies are a fact of human nature. ignoring them does not change the fact they exist.

It's one of the more common things investaigated for when looking into a crime. Cops do it day in and out. Was there a conspiracy to commit this murder? If so, who was involved? These are routine questions that in this case seem to have many different possible answers. I advise to all keeping an open mind.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:59 AM
Thanks to amfirst for the video post. I watched it and I think it is a good honest submission. I don't think there is anything fake about it or that facts or opinions quoted are twisted. In that sense it represents the best of what one can expect from exponents of the official version.

However I still believe that WTC7 did not collapse from damage sustained during the earlier collapse of WTC1. Regardless of the opinions of firemen, the leaning or bulging of the building, it still fell at near free fall speed into it's own footprint. That just doesn't happen in a collapse unassisted by explosive devices.

The symmetry of the fall particularly, is out of place in a building destabilized and rendered asymmetrical by the earlier damage. Given that condition, we should have had a chaotic asymmetrical collapse. Then, the speed of the fall clinches the case for controlled demolition in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:27 AM
since the topic of 9/11 is so so volatile, I am going to humbly bow out of my own first topic,

I am new here and don't want any enemies before I even get started.

Who should we trust?

Do I trust big government? No.

Trust other nation governments and dictatorships? No

Think the terrorist were not able to pull this off?

That is exactly what they want you to think.

America will destroy itself from within.” Nikita Kruschev,

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