posted on May, 30 2007 @ 01:37 PM
KGB Symbol
whats the 5 star doing there? Because I think every secret society and intelligence agencie are all working together.
Notice that each flower has 13 petals.
The pyramid with the candels as the eye.
Damn man looks like the pyramid on American money and how there is a pyramid in Washinton DC where the head of the pyramid is the capital, the white
house marks the lower left point of the pyramid and another landmark on the right point of the pyramid in Washington DC. The eye of the pyramid is not
only the capital but a representation of an owl that is a representation of Molech, which financial powerhouses worship at Bohemian Grove and Probably
have relocated since their exposure by which was recently banned from Myspace and admitted to by Rupert Murdoch , who is the head of
the propaganda machine that feeds news to 70% of the world population. Boy that was a mouth ful.