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The manipulation of minds by calendars and days

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posted on May, 30 2007 @ 01:19 PM
Who thinks like me, that this whole calendar and time system has been used to control the mass's. They live their lives like everyday is groundhog day, being doped up on asparteme, msg, fluoride, depression medication, coc aine, heroin, alcohol, pain killers, a corrupt FDA "Federal", "Federal 9/11 7/7 Fed Reserve Kennedy other Kennedys Princess Diana, Katrina, sniper anthrax, morgellon's, nano-bot disease, interest rate game, being secret from the public, being corrupt, assassinating, having direct ties to the CIA which has been found smuggling drugs, and in the drug trade, govt system's controled over the world under different names that work systematically together to slowly false flag their way into having control over the world population, and set laws and such that will be of harm to the greater population but can be avoided by those in their families, a Family integration system where they're heir's will join the Brotherhood, Bush and kerry not only familie not only the same skull and bones society they also ran for the highest office of America. And you tell me that this whole election process from debates to president elect is not all rigged? Do you really think it would be somehow legit when you run for Presidential Candidate, they are guy's given different stories. I don't know the truth about Ron Paul. The other guy's are capable of mass disception, why wouldn't Ron Paul also be some kind of hope that the elite stage so they can keep you the "watchers", docile sheep)..., extasy, marijuana, barbiturates, devaluing our money, raising the amount of money we have to give back to the government in the form of taxes to keep us at medium class levels, raising tax's and cost's of living and devaluing the god damn money, this is crazy how did this happen.

Well all of these thing's are all bad for Americans. We can further say that they are "evil" thing's in America because of their bad nature. So what we have is a population who wake up in a submissive mindset that is clouded with this evil. So they go day to day, getting by, not knowing that it is only getting worse day by day. One day the system is going to crack and the Walmart's and the rest of them will jack up their prices, the world will go into a time of massive selling and buying from foreigners and they will move west to cheaper settlements living in apartments trying to get by, however at this time govt would be gone they have no need for us anymore they go to Israel where the Iraninians and everyoen else is under control and they slowly wipe out their enemies through covert wars, that are spinned by Media to make the peopel they slaughter look like they deserve it, and so America turn's into this place where it's gang's selling drug's for power and the whole drug network races faster then ever and its getting larger and more crime arises, more suicides, more drug driving accidents, more criminals gone wild shooting random citizens, people murdering for a bottle of water because somebody took out the water storages facilities. Then all of a sudden the terrorists some how took control of americas nukes and detonated them where they are and made a complete end of America itself with fallout not even close to Israel. The have so many nukes that they could take out the world except themselves in a few days or an hour.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 05:12 PM
Woa now that you got it all out of your system how about you keep to your own topic. You kind of ranted and went off in all directions and I barely see anything about how and why you think the calender is used to control the masses.

This is why nobody has responded I'm sure... because there is nothing to really reply to. You could have made about 5 (already worn out) threads about all the things you talked about, but barely mentioned the only part I haven't heard 20 times already, which was the title of your thread.

So now that you got all that ranting out of your system... what are you talking about?

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 10:31 PM
i have often thought time, calenders, and holidays exist simply because of money. in reality, every day is different. there is no july or august just because someone says there is. there is only 1 real birthday. america has been spoonfed so much garbage that it really has gotten out of control.

why don't we go back to using the sun dial? i would prefer it. oh, but we must know when our shift begins and when our shift ends. i mean, we must know that.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:31 AM
i would just like to point out that a change in time scheduling can have a drastic effect on your perception of the world.

i have been working a shift schedule for many years. it is a two week cycle which repeats. without going into detail, i will sum up by saying that i do not have the same weekends as other people.

in fact, i also live in italy where their ideas of the days of the week are much different than in america. to italians, sunday is like saturday and monday is like sunday.....and businesses are closed from 1-4 pm daily.

and the shift schedule and itailan schedule are superimposed over my preconditioned american-type schedule.

point being: the schedule by which you live your days conditions your mindset in a way that i think most people do not realise. i would not be surprised at all if our calendar system was set up as a form of mind control.


posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 02:21 PM
brilliant post, 5 stars for that one. it's about time we as a people rise up and take some action. the problem is the names of those involved behind the scenes aren't readily available. the way americans are programmed by their joke of a media, television shows, movies, holidays, ect. makes me sick. what makes me even more sick is how dumb most americans are. the sheeple find nothing wrong with most of the things the corrupt and evil american government does. they're evil because they've directly or indirectly killed millions of people, especially asians.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Mushroom Fields Forever
Woa now that you got it all out of your system how about you keep to your own topic. You kind of ranted and went off in all directions and I barely see anything about how and why you think the calender is used to control the masses.

This is why nobody has responded I'm sure... because there is nothing to really reply to. You could have made about 5 (already worn out) threads about all the things you talked about, but barely mentioned the only part I haven't heard 20 times already, which was the title of your thread.

So now that you got all that ranting out of your system... what are you talking about?

Good call.

As for the calender issue, i always wondered how much longer people would live if they didn't keep track of time or how old that they got. IMO people would live a whole lot longer! Any thoughts on this?

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 03:18 PM
whell, acesinthehole, it is really difficult to speculate on that, considering i do not think it is possible for people not have the desire to keep track of their position on the time track. but if the stress of percieving the passage of time could be eliminated, i think life-span would probably increase.


but, just so everyone is aware, i would like to point out that there has been a movement to change the official calendar system in america. it has been presented to congress and everything. it involves the 13:20 calendar system which was developed by jose arguelles. according to the research he as done, 13:20 is the mathematical ratio upon which the Mayan Calendar (of 2012 fame) is based. we currently live in a 12:60 pattern. i forget many of the details, but the one which relates directly to this thread is that, according to dr. arguelles, the gregorian calendar system was imposed specifically to disrupt man's natural harmony with time flow.

13 moon calendar


posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 03:19 PM
it looks as though we have been ditched by the OP.....

oh well, he wasnt really coherant to begin with.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 03:26 PM
I worked for myself for 12 years.
I also free lanced myself as a college professor for 6.
Due to some unforseen circumstances I am now on a pension.

In my private orthopedic clinic I got to listen to deep meditative music for those 12 years.
Man does that slow your innear clock down.
Which I am very aware of because I am a medical professional with a holistic practice and also a highly trained athlete and a drummer.

I have tracked my biorythms for over two years as part of a personal experiment. Thats interesting stuff to say the least.

I am a Messianic Christian and I keep Sabbath.
Not as a religous thing but as a day of rest based on 10 commandments and the bodies own cycles.

I can have lights on and order pizza etc, but I rest and meditate on Sabbath.
I count the day from sundown to sundown.

Once your on the cycle, your winding down friday in the day and feeling tired...looking forward to Sabbath.

When I was a boy we had no shopping on sunday, everyone took a break, it was family day...
now its 7 days a week and sometimes 24/7

the world is all wound up with no place to go and no sense of rest.
Sad and brain washing and mind control for sure.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by junglelord]

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by tgidkp
but, just so everyone is aware, i would like to point out that there has been a movement to change the official calendar system in america. it has been presented to congress and everything. it involves the 13:20 calendar system which was developed by jose arguelles. according to the research he as done, 13:20 is the mathematical ratio upon which the Mayan Calendar (of 2012 fame) is based. we currently live in a 12:60 pattern. i forget many of the details, but the one which relates directly to this thread is that, according to dr. arguelles, the gregorian calendar system was imposed specifically to disrupt man's natural harmony with time flow.

13 moon calendar


I checked out the website, I couldn't make any sense of it. I fail to see how altering our calender is going to bring us all peace and prosperity. Besides, getting everyone in the world to change their choice of calenders would be a near impossible task unless it was forced upon us by governments and corporations.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Originally posted by tgidkp
13 moon calendar

I checked out the website, I couldn't make any sense of it. I fail to see how altering our calender is going to bring us all peace and prosperity. Besides, getting everyone in the world to change their choice of calenders would be a near impossible task unless it was forced upon us by governments and corporations.

the 13:20 interference pattern, as outlined by Dr. Arguelles, is a complete study. it is not a side note to anything. if you want to understand it, you may have to spend some time.

i think the concept is very important. i have seen first hand in my life the huge impact changing your time schedule can have. if what Dr. Arguelles is saying is correct, then a change in the calendar is of extreme importance.

however, i do not claim that what he says is true. only intriegueing.

also, i dont actually believe that there will ever be a change in calendrics, unless there is a corresponding change back to tribalism. THAT is the whole point of this thread (i think). that "big brother" has introduced a calendar system with a specific purpose in mind.

gee, thanks, big brother.


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