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Rendelsham UFO why dont they tell the truth

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posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 07:14 PM
I have just watched the program on sky regarding the Rendelsham UFO incident and find it strange that with all the �facts� coming out from retired officers and soldiers that were present and civilian�s, the official verdict is still that the US soldiers and in fact that all the witnesses had seen a beam of light from the near by Lighthouse.

The soldiers and officers were interviewed by un-named civilian�s who may had made suggestions of �threats to there person� if they talked about it, and that a request by the base was made to a near by radar station for confirmation that there was an object in the sky, or to quote �Do you have any anomalies on your radar that you can�t explain�.

Some of the officers have been retired for several years and believe that the general public have a right to know exactly what they had seen and that they deserve an apology from there respective Governments for the ridicule that they have endured since by the press.

I guess my real question is why the can't tell the truth and let us all make up our own minds up about what's going on in our neighbourhood

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Why don't they tell the truth?

Because they've lied to us so long, we'd probably say their crazy... Well non believers would...

And I imagine the population would be very angry when they had to admit that they've been lying to us for decades.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 07:49 PM
I watched the same program tonight 'UFO Invasion' i think it was called.

I couldn't understand how anyone could think the lights the officers and soldiers saw could be from the lighthouse.I personally think it's a very interesting case to say the least.

I missed a bit of the program whilst he was talking about the appearance of the ufo (damn kids heh).Did they say much about it and if he saw the craft leave ?

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:43 PM
Quite obviously UFOs are a matter of national security. If there was nothing to it, events like Rendlesham would have never happened. Nor would it have been covered up as it had. The reasons the government cannot come out with the information on this event is the same reasons they have never come out with the information as a whole as of yet. Economic collapse (this WILL happen), fears of mass panic, and of course the trouble the government will get into for keeping this stuff secret and lying to the public.

[Edited on 5-1-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 10:03 PM
All so true and that is why they hope that anyone ever connected to this event dies first before they even dare open it to the light of day.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 10:45 PM
the illuminati the powers that be have been telling us about this for a while actually socalled mj12 was formed for this express purpose to deseminate the ufo knowledge in books movies and advertising in a way they have been telling us so that when the # really hit the fan it wont be much of a shock to us there puppet clone orson welles carried out an experiment for them back in the day aliens landing in new jersey everyone went ape # they saw the kind of reaction that brings so they had to get us more used to the idea then there were a slew of movies that came out like war of the worlds V independace day close ecounters of the third kind see the illuminati is not gonna openly tell u there are aliens thats not how they work they leak out the truth slowly subliminal which is far more effective on a subconcious level which is the aspect of our minds there manipulating on a daily basis hasnt everyone noticed a pattern? first u had project bluebook which basically debunked everyhting except for that 5 percent of phenomena that they couldnt explain they basically told us right there something is up then they got more explict fist they only talked about roswell now there talking about other crashes gee whats this? multiple roswells so there wasnt one crash and now we have air force personel testyfing on tv to all of this its all part of the endgame cycle were in where everything wil be revealed but not overtly not yet at least when this comes out in the open it wil be insane it will shatter our belief systems to the core also that clip with that guy and the alligator that was just some reptilian proggramming the ritual of the reptilians eating a human baby also did u ever stop and think that maybe our leaders in government are part alien or reptilian themselves look at how cold blooded and calculated there are everything they do is according to ritual thats the r complex or reptilian brain
peace to all

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by Supernova
I watched the same program tonight 'UFO Invasion' i think it was called.

I couldn't understand how anyone could think the lights the officers and soldiers saw could be from the lighthouse.I personally think it's a very interesting case to say the least.

I missed a bit of the program whilst he was talking about the appearance of the ufo (damn kids heh).Did they say much about it and if he saw the craft leave ?

Yes one of the officers did say that he got close enought to touch the craft and using his own notes that he made at the time he read out the discription of the craft and paced out the size of it and judged it to be about nine foot long and seven to eight feet high, picth black and felt like it was metal but very very smooth metal he also copied out te symbols/ marking that he saw on one side, and showed them to the camara.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:08 AM
enoc, as usual, you really have a way with words.

And YES, our US govt as well as many other nations, US media, corporations, Hollywood and the military are all run by an advanced race. Most likely reptilian.

Yes, everything THEY do is ritualistic based on certain dates and numbers. Some compare it to Satanism and the occult which is probably correct.

The crocodile hunter and the baby clip with the alligator/crocodile.... hmmm, I didn't realize the MESSAGE till you pointed it out. WOW!

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:03 AM
Thanks Dragoonrider1999

Very strange stuff.I'm not sure i would have been brave enough to get as close as to be able to touch the craft heh.

I saw the part about a beam from the ufo going over the area on the base which housed the nuclear weapons held there.It was said that a team of experts flew over to check the nukes were still working properly,supposedly a similar incident happened a while back and disabled all the missles.


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