posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:46 PM
My stance on Health-Care.
I believe that being healthy (when you want to) is a right, and as such should both be
a legal and moral responsibility of the government.
My plan is to initiate a single-payer Universal Health-Care system that covers all.
My plan to implement this would come through redirecting money from some unneeded
places to pay for it, as well as use several different kinds of taxes.
By creating a system where-in the employer does not have to provide health-care for
there employers, small businesses would not have the burden of having to pay the money for it.
I also would partially nationalize the Pharmaceutical industry, that is the essential medicines
would be produced by the government, with a great deal of oversight, while non necessary
products like Vitamins, anti-wrinkle cream and sleeping aides (for those that don't medically need it)
would be completely up to the companies to produce and sell themselves, however there
would be public oversight committees set-up to make sure companies are'nt lieing about
the usefulness of their products or their safety.