posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:12 PM
Yeah Skunk Works because mirrors are rough. Actually I would forsee BTS humor, or maybe a nice shiny red warn sticker for misrepresenting humor as wait, I think there might just be a very large thread in which the all seeing of a camera was used to show an opinon that contained
But I don't make the rules or decide what has merit for inclusion. Unfortunately it could be argued that nothing was deliberately false. A series of
facts that gave the illusion of drawing a conclusion that fluoride in the water had a significance to 9/11 or more accurately 9+11=NaF therefore
empeach/arrest Bush.
Too many times equally wild equations of factoids have that same result. And are yet deemed realistic and remain, somehow valid for human consumption.
IIB asked a good question in another thread and I gave a good answer (as far as IIB was concerned). Ironic that I started this thread before that
reply in his.
So was this a thread to as a cautionary example in leaps of faith in seeking truth, or was that a post to quantify the ground work laid here? Chicken
and the egg, chicken and the egg my friends. I gave the first two posters five stars for seeing it exactly for what it was. Humor.
Perhaps a search and read will give insight to a very real question I asked about if the truth movement was becoming a religion. Not many responded to
that question at all, mirrors really are rough indeed.