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Russia test-launches new ICBM

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 12:03 PM
How about this for blowing smoke up our back side!!

"As of today, Russia has new (missiles) that are capable of overcoming any existing or future missile defense systems," ITAR-Tass quoted Ivanov as saying. "So in terms of defense and security, Russian can look calmly to the country's future."


Thats some big claims. Its almost comical in my book.


posted on May, 29 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Oh yeah. I'm sure the almighty U.S. military, with its impenetrable shield, is laughing at this comical relief, aren't they?

[edit on 5/29/2007 by The Crow]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 01:09 PM
Well yeah
How can you make claims like this when you don’t know your enemies capabilities? There just saber rattling because there mad at the west putting up a missile defense system in there back yard. Which brings me to my next question if they do in fact have this why would they take such offence to the missile defense in the first place?


posted on May, 29 2007 @ 02:34 PM
Russia has no need for knowing the specifics. The Russians know missile technology is literally light years ahead of missile defense technology.

This just means that, unless the U.S. is somehow several decades ahead of the Russians in this field, that there's absolutely no way for the U.S. to stop the missile. The defense technology just isn't that advanced.

If you ask any serious military analyst they'll tell you the U.S. missile shield is, at it's current state, hopelessly outmatched by the Topol-M, let alone this new missile.

Of course the Americans will continue to improve their shield, but the Russians will continue to improve their missiles (and continue to try to obtain U.S. military secrets). There is absolutely no way for the U.S. to get a jump start on the Russians, they're nearly both evenly matched at this game.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 02:42 PM
what your kidding right?......have you seen any of there missile tests in the last yers fail after failure after failure china is lightyears ahead but russias still living in the cold war besides that how do they plan to deter interceptor fighters anti missile missiles maybe if it doesnt appear on radar opr something but russia is more like lightyears behind the curb

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 02:48 PM
As good as American and Russian scientists are, none are good enough to magically create tech that's a hundred years ahead of its time. New technology builds on top of the old, so you can't get to th top unless the steps are in place. What this means is, even is the U.S. is out-pacing the Russians, it is a slow process, not a single giant leap, and at least for the immediate future, the Russians can continue to make these claims and there's no reason anyone shouldn't believe them.

I'm not going to spend much time on my reply to justanothergangster, since this person is extremely ignorant on this matter. The Chinese are at least forty years behind both the U.S. and Russia. They may be an economic giant, but they are a weakling in the area of high tech weaponry. Anything advanced the Chinese have mostly came from Russia or is based on Russia's tech.

Oh, and on the subject of Russia's recent test-launch failures, all I have to say is that there's nothing wrong with failures. You learn from a failure and improve your design.

[edit on 5/29/2007 by The Crow]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 02:50 PM
As I recall the "Missile Shield" was for a limited engagement and already stated that a MAD tactic the shield is useless.

Hmm... I see the words "Limited" and "Not designed to be a Robust Shield" so technically unless Russia went too MAD phase it did not even apply to them at ONSET of this.... I also see how Ms Rice states that it is only 10-interceptors as compared to the thousands of ICBM's that Moscow has at it's control... I think I can agree with her on this one.

Someone just doesn't walk out. Whip together an ICBM and pop the puppy into the air and proclaim success in making an ICBM. There is abit more umm... Study??? Testing??? Maybe even test to verify the design is feasible for there needs and that additional modifications need to be required.

Blatant hollow-chest-pounding on Putin's side. Wonder who he will have killed next for mocking Russian stances in the world.

[edit on 29-5-2007 by AbitTweaked]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:06 PM
and im the one thats ignorant just last year china blinded one of our sattelites with a laser and test fired a surface to sattelite missile....SUCCESSFULLY....i dont think we were doing anything like that in 196o's so what am i wrong about? america does have interceptor jets does have interceptor missiles and god knows what we have that we dont talk about
there are a few articles from the past that talk about russian missile failures.......ignorance is when you dont know something and dont care to know......theres what i was reffering to if you care to know

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:06 PM
and im the one thats ignorant just last year china blinded one of our sattelites with a laser and test fired a surface to sattelite missile....SUCCESSFULLY....i dont think we were doing anything like that in 196o's so what am i wrong about? america does have interceptor jets does have interceptor missiles and god knows what we have that we dont talk about
there are a few articles from the past that talk about russian missile failures.......ignorance is when you dont know something and dont care to know......theres what i was reffering to if you care to know

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:21 PM
So the Chinese have blinding lasers and can destroy satellites by having things crash into them. That's nice, but so 1980s. Both Russians and Americans have had that for years and years and neither have cared to use it because it's a nearly worthless technology. Neither of the two countries are in the business of shooting down satellites for a reason.

I'm not sure why you keep mentioning interceptor jets and interceptor missiles. Everybody knows about those and have for a long time. The Russians have those, too (around Moscow). The hype on that died down long ago.

I've heard about Russia's missile failures. And again, I'm not sure why you keep referring to that, as if it means anything important. All new tech goes through a period of testing and failing ("test-launch" means testing, you know that right?)

[edit on 5/29/2007 by The Crow]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:33 PM
oh.....i geuss i see what your saying im just saying that we do have a fairly good defense agains missiles......idonno about the sattelite blinding technology being useless though without sattelites our air force is nearly helpless unless theres a few stratospheric command aircrafts in the area needless to say our over the horizon targetting system would not work on our aircraft.....eee but im getting off topic sorry

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by justanothergangster
what your kidding right?......have you seen any of there missile tests in the last yers fail after failure after failure china is lightyears ahead but russias still living in the cold war besides that how do they plan to deter interceptor fighters anti missile missiles maybe if it doesnt appear on radar opr something but russia is more like lightyears behind the curb

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:05 PM
i did my research and....well in comparison to american technology.....i dont want to argue though RUSsIAN boy i have a feeling our senses of nationalism will get in the way of us acctually doing anything productive

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:52 PM
Do you think it's the beginning of a new cold war with Russia?

It's a shame how Putin seems to be pulling his country back from Democracy.

Whenever you see Putin on the news he is often looking down at the ground. I always found that strange for a politician.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:01 PM
some of it may have to do with the fact that putin while a strong individual is very subject to the will of the russian mafia.......maybe he knows that another war is inevitable maybe not imminent but eventually a simple disagreement could lead to a all out war between america and russia and who or maybe he knows something we dont like about the nwo......whatever aggressive action is taken for whatever reason will have reprecussions wether know or later who knows

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:26 PM
By war, I only mean "cold war". I don't think there could be a real war between Russia and USA.

Maybe it would resemble a variation on the previous cold war, where we competively stockpile weapons again. I do think that maybe it would not be as bad as it was during the previous cold war, since at least now we talk, and act like friends. Maybe we even need each other.

I'm more worried about Pakastan. Looks like it might be fragile and could be hijacked.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 07:18 PM
This defense system is built for rogue nations with ballistic capability usually first generation, not taking on Russia. And especially MIRVs, thats nothing new that Russia proclaimed about.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 08:00 PM
The idea that anyone could develop a system that can "overcome any existing or future system" is laughable from the start. This is either a poor translation of the original statement or an obviously-specious piece of propaganda.

Leave all the arguments aside about who has the better system now. Anyone claiming they can overcome anything you will make in the future is just making stuff up.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Run a search mate. Posted a full day before you came along:

Russia tests new ICBM weapons system

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 10:24 PM
justanothergangster, the soviet union had anti-satellite missiles established in the 60s, so, yeah, they're at least 30 years ahead of china in missile technology and, it's fair to say, 10 years ahead of the u.s.

the american abm system is obviously not aimed at any rogue state such as iran and north korea who don't have icbms and wont every have them probably and, if they ever do get them, will never use them as doing so would be suicide.

the abm system is aimed at china and russia. in china's case, the abm could be used in defense of a first strike from china, while in russia's case, the abm could only be used effectively after an american first strike, with the abm taking out the remaining russian arsenal that they would launch in a second strike.

of course, mobile icbms and slbms, which are becoming the cornerstone of the russian strategic arsenal, are more hard to destroy in a first strike and, basically, MAD will still be alive and thriving for a few more generations at least.

lest we forget abm test failures, including the most recent one last weekend, which was also the first under 'real-life circumstances.' these failures are all fine, as are bulava's failures since all of these things are under development. say if a trident or a satan missile had a failed test it would be something to worry about - but the fact that the american abm system and the russian bulava missile have had several unsuccessful tests in their development stage is NORMAL.

i am happy for russia and its military. i think that it was shaky for a few years in the late 90s, moving between weakness and strength. ultimately, russian weakness would have resulted in american hegemony, complete worldwide dictate, to use putin's terms... but it's no longer an issue, russia has crossed the line and has safely secured its place on the side of strength and multi-polarity is alive and well (and, fittingly, political scientists are now writing about the end of american unilateralism and the beginning of multi-polarity -- it all depended on russia, not america's failure in iraq).

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