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100% positive it was Al-qaeda who used explosives and missles on 911- Only way to change minds?

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:50 PM
way to think outside the box

you get my WAY ABOVE TOP SECRET (if i had one left)

many people go thru life not getting the results they like no matter what they are trying to accomplish and instead of CHANGING there TECHNIQUE they try to perfect the technique that has FAILED THEM

stubborn animals us humans tend to be.

oh and we must not intentially mislead other in order to get our perspective of truth out? let me ask you this

if you had been lied to by some group and unknowingly believed it and someone had been trying to tell you what really happened but you had not been able *to represent there persepective in your mind* would you be willing to allow them to outsmart you in order to see the perspective of truth


you think you can fight the liars who did this with happy little smiles and a boy scout morale, you gotta occasionally use "gorilla warfare" (psychological speaking) to get this moving

I think this has the potential to be *brilliant*

[edit on 29-5-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 09:30 AM
I completely agree with you that the neocons and other factions are behind 9-11, the fact of the matter is there is just to little time for the truth to come out.
Economic collapse, another ''terrorist attack" or some kind of big natural disaster and the patriot act will kick in, and the truth will be buried in every possible way.
They thought this through very well, and the patriot act is a tool to keep firmly in control whatever happens.
I would be very suprised if we will see a election next year, because im fairly convinced they want ro realise their grand plan, whatever it may be.

Im not posting this to shatter anyones hopes, i am nearly saying to be realistic.
As these people are smart and ruthless and just cant be stopped unfortunately.
Only thing to stop this madness is a miltairy coup, but even that has a very slim chance of succeding as there are to many secret militairy factions(black ops related) that will back the neocons in such an event with
their scifi toys.

There is no stopping this rollercoaster and no way off im afraid...

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 01:23 PM
I think that a documentary presenting the evidence with Al'qaeda as a prime suspect would be watched 100 times more than any other truth video.
Plus the Major Media outlet would not be able to discredit it at all.
You would take away from them the only weapon they have to fight and discredit the truth movement.

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