posted on May, 28 2007 @ 07:06 AM
Is something like this gonna be in place here in America too?
Part 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE),UK empowers any constable acting with reasonable grounds for suspicion to stop, detain and
search you or your vehicle, or anything in or on your vehicle for certain items, which may be seized. The provisions of the Act are supplemented by a
Code of Practice on stop and search. The contents of the Code must be observed by the police, although the remedy for failure to observe it is usually
to make a police complaint - or if prosecuted to raise an objection in court - rather than to take legal proceedings against the police.
PACE also provides some safeguards for other well-used police powers of search. These might relate, for instance, to searches for drugs or firearms
and so on. The safeguards also apply in a limited way to controversial powers of stop and search introduced by the Criminal Justice and Public Order
Act 1994 when it is feared that an incident involving serious violence may take place.
The police do not have general powers, apart from those specified in a statute, to stop and search you, unless you consent. You should ask the police
officer to explain on what basis they are searching you. If no search power exists you should be told that you do not have to consent and if you do
not, you should not be searched.
But even if I'am not stopped or searched,what happens to my fundamental rights? Do governments actually have to start behaving like it's the time of
crises and Military be given aouthority to encroach on our movements? What's the definition of suspicious?