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Is this fair?

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posted on May, 28 2007 @ 05:49 AM
well my sister as just had a baby and the hospital say they only allow 3 visiters at one time, yet in the next next bed theres a newly muslim mother with all her family round (about 8).

this is not the only incident aswell that ive experienced in this country where 'muslims' come first priority.

why is this?

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:23 PM
Firstly, I trust mother and baby are doing well??

Did you question any one in the hospital about this apparent breach of rules?

And you mentioned other instances??

[edit on 28-5-2007 by Freedom ERP]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:47 PM
This is a common theme in most Western Countries dominated traditionally by whitey. I personally think its some kind of social engineering to try and make the whites feel inferior while at the same time empowering the minority groups to feel of some worth.

Get used to this kind of thing if you are white as just like all countenances to correct past wrongs ( Womens liberation and gay rights ) they have swung to far the other way and with common sense being absent you will have to wait till it balances up.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Funnily enough I've been to hospitals where some nursing staff 'on' during part of the day are lax (or maybe one might say more considerate) about those kinds of visiting rules and some are not (especially if some of the visitors have travelled some distance to see the in-patient).

I've known it to vary even between different wards in the same hospital.

It's not exactly a sign of anything bigger than what the staff there on the ground and at certain times of the day are happy to go along with.

Naturally if you are the one copping the 'strict shift' you'll not see it as fair or necessary............and sometimes a load of people turn up when the staff are preoccupied with other and more pressing business, maybe someone observing weren't there to see them return and start telling people to leave?

Claims that this is 'evidence' of some sort of terrible anti-whitey plot are frankly laughable.

.........and if we're going to be treated to claims that "things have gone too far the other way" with things like gender and sexual equality I suggest folks take a reality check.

Specifically in the case of women or gay people that was mentioned I'd love to hear how priviledged, exactly, they're now supposed to be.

I know that all of the females in my life have or have had very different and generally speaking much reduced life-chances simply because they are female - and men who don't care about this are IMO being very stupid cos ultimately it must rebound on them too.
I know very close friends with gay relations and anyone who imagines their 'lot' is in some way a bowl of priviledged cherrys is simply utterly deluded.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:49 PM
How did you know she was Muslim? Was there a sign?

This is a common theme in most Western Countries dominated traditionally by whitey.


I take it you work for the United Nations then? because you must have access to piles of data to make a claim like that.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by st3ve_o
well my sister as just had a baby and the hospital say they only allow 3 visiters at one time, yet in the next next bed theres a newly muslim mother with all her family round (about 8).

this is not the only incident aswell that ive experienced in this country where 'muslims' come first priority.

why is this?

what you saying because their muslim they allow more people?
when my niece was born the people in the hospital wouldnt allow us in because of restrictions on numbers. that family just got lucky that the nurse let them in (sometimes you will find nurses that bend the rule)

sorry but this isnt a race or religous thing because i face it aswell and i am asian and muslim. and countless others.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by bodrul]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:29 AM
Send a complaint to the hospital in writing, st3ve_0.

Don't see how this is a big conspiracy against white people, though... they're very strict with who goes in to see newborn babies, since mothers and their babies are vulnerable at that stage. I'm sure there's an explanation that doesn't revolve around some Muslim conspiracy or some propaganda that the BNP would like to use.

Hope your sister and the baby are both well

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:19 AM
cheers for the replys people,

no we never said anything, we just gave that stare (if you know what i mean)...but we told my cousin about it whos a nurse at the hospital and she said it always happens and they are forever having problems with the muslim patients familys and when the nurses approach them they say... "sorry no understand english" (when they do)

i do think there's a conspiracy against whites though to be honest, i think now white people are a lower class in terms of 'rights' if i'm being truefull.

REASON - people/staff/company’s are scared to say anything incase that word 'racism' gets mentioned.

just look at the big brother row, that got taken all out of proportion - nothing in that house was 'racist' (yes it was bullying but it wasn't racist).

yet *bam* headlines....popadom shilpa, housemates mimic shilipas voice *racists* ^FEED THE WITCHES TO THE LIONS^

yet shilpa shetty mimicked many of the other housemates accents and voices, does that make her a racist?

same with rap videos in the western world, we are forever hearing on tv rappers singing 'n-word' this 'n-word' that, proud to be black etc (thats ok) makes them MILLIONAIRES for making these songs.

but if a white person made a video saying 'whitepower' proud to be white, he'd be known as racist.

i can go on and on, there’s a massive divide on what we can and can't do and its got to be said if your skin colour is white in britain you have less rights than other ethnic groups in 2007.

[edit on 29-5-2007 by st3ve_o]

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 03:23 PM
I must add that when my little one was born, we took over the floor. My other halfs family (bunch of shallow-enders that they are) all turned up at once (around 10 people) and just swamped the room.

When my mum and dad turned up, the nurses finally asked the other bunch of sorry ingrates to finally bugger off. Can't say I wasn't relieved. there were several Asian women in the room with us at the time, who didn't seem to have that many visitors.

The only complaint I had against them was an apparent lack of personal hygiene.....

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