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NGEO: Inside 9/11 Update... Re-Writing History

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posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:26 PM
I'll keep this short...

I was watching NGEO's Inside 9/11 "documentary" today. As I am watching it I was thinking that this will be the kind of thing shown to students in classrooms for decades to come.

As I watched I waited patiently for them to cover the collapse of WTC 7. The were going through the day in a time line sort of fashion...

Guess what DID NOT happen on 9/11 between the twin towers collapse and President Bush's Speech at 8:13PM?

Apparently WTC 7 never existed nor did it collapse because it is NEVER mentioned or shown in this 9/11 documentary.

A collapsing 47 story office building must not be important enough to even mention or are they trying to erase it from history?

You make the call.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:32 PM
Another oddity I just noticed... it seems to be the only program on their channel listed as (ltd. interruption)... Take it for what it's worth.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:24 PM
I've seen that documentary a couple of times and also saw it today and it just goes by the official story, doesnt point out any oddities at all. A typical show for a big channel to air, nothing controversial.

Wait a few years and then you'll see the conspiracy shows on big networks, kinda like the with jfk thats all the shows you see about him now.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:01 PM
I would not consider the actual fact that a third building collapsed that day to be controversial. I boggles the mind that they would completely ignore the 47 story office building collapsing unless they had a reason.

I believe that they are "afraid" to show the footage of it collapsing...

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Yea i dont think that they want to get into trouble, and they will probably air 9/11 conspiracy stuff once its more accepted, like jfk.

or since there are many victims and its still less than a decade away they probably dont want any complaints from these people.

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