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Research Project - UFO sightings on July 23rd l984

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posted on May, 27 2007 @ 04:06 AM
I wonder if you could be of some assistance. I've just started a new, personal research project. I am looking for UFO sightings made on July 23rd l984 from anywhere in the world.

If you can assist please contact me at: [email protected]

Many thanks,

Philip Mantle.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by mantle1958
I am looking for UFO sightings made on July 23rd l984 from anywhere in the world.

Hi Philip,

I'm usually happy to help with this sort of request, but rather than waste time typing up details of sightings and references that you've already collated it would be helpful to see your existing list and then simply give details of any additional sightings.

At the very least, it would be helpful to know what sources (particularly what databases) you've already checked.

I don't want to spend my time reinventing the wheel...

Kind Regards,

Isaac Koi

[edit on 27-5-2007 by IsaacKoi]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:10 AM
Hi there,

I have literally just started so as yet I've checked nothing. I've submitted a FOIA request to the MoD last week but that is it so far. If you have any suggestions please feel free to point me in any direction that I might start looking.

The reason I've started now is that I've got a few days holiday so it has allowed me the time to at least make a start. There is no time limit to when this project might finish so there is no rush.

Many thanks,

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:12 PM
i am interested in learning why that exact date is important ?... is it something you experienced ?... i live in central florida and i saw something around that time frame....i just dont remeber the exact date, but i am sure it was in july of 84. because of this experience that i had i have been interested in ufo "s and aliens since then. i have been looking for anything that could help explain what i saw....and have only seen a couple other stories that were kinda similar to mine. so tell me what your research is all about ?

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:35 AM
Hi there,

It was my own UFO sighting on that date at around 9.55 pm. I was driving home from Morley to Tingley, just outside of Leeds in West Yorkshire, England. I saw 2 large luminous spheres just about the suburb of Middleton. I pulled the car over and watched them hang motionless in the sky before they simply 'disapprered'. Many others reported the same thing on the same night, July 23rd l984. Hence my interest.


posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:02 PM
hi philip .. thanks for your reply... now i can understand why you are looking for others ,that may have seen what you have. i was wondering why you waited untill now (23 yrs. later ) to start asking others about it ? well anyways, i dont know how much of a help my experience would be to you? what happened to me was obviously something that i can never forget. its really hard to put this into words because it was such a wierd experience for me. i am gonna post this for now and i will tell you my story on my next post....there are alot of details involved and i am not very good at writing about things imo.....

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 07:24 PM
ok, here is what happened to me in july of was around 11:30 that night and i was walking home. to get to my house from the main road, i usually took a shortcut through the orange grove. i was walking through the grove when i noticed a very bright light in the sky, very high up, i thought it was a star at first but then i noticed it was moving and getting a little bigger, so i stood there looking at it and thinking to myself....what the heck is that ? i stood there watching this light , and i could tell it was getting lower in altitude and was moving in my direction. this light was getting closer and was getting a little bigger as it got closer to where i was. finally it stopped moving... and it seemed to be a couple hundred feet above me , and i was standing there slapping myself in the face to make sure i wasnt imagining this ! so there i was standing there slapping myself and saying oh my god what the hell is that ?....all of a sudden i felt this wierd feeling of being watched, and a chill ran down my spine and all the hair on my arms were standing straight up ....i wasnt even thinking about ufo or alien stuff.....untill i got that feeling that something was looking at me . ok so now i am starting to realize whats going on and i was thinking what should i do now ? well i am standing there trying to figure out whats gonna happen next, i noticed there was somekind of purple or lavender light that was focusing on me coming from the white light in the sky above me. the purple light almost seemed like a laser beam kinda light and i could tell it was just on me and not anything else. i held my hand up and was noticing how i could see this purple light all over my hand so i knew for sure it was really there ! is when i got scared ! i knew this thing was looking at me...and i thought about being abducted or something so i totaly freaked out and started to run towards my house. i didnt look back at it....i just kept running all the way to my house and ran inside and went in my room and sat on my bed thinking ...oh my god ....what the hell just happened ?.... i was kinda in shock i guesss....then i started thinking what if they followed me or something. i was to scared to even look out the window, and after about five minutes i noticed that there was a light outside that was brighter than daylight and was so bright i could see outside the window without getting off my bed. i thought oh no...they are coming to get me! this light outside you could tell it was coming from above the house . well i thought this is it there gonna abduct me now and i didnt know what i could do so i just sat there scared to death. the light outside that was comimg from above seemed liked it was getting smaller or moving away....i couldnt tell.....then finally it was gone. i wasnt sure but i felt that whatever it was was gone now and i felt a little better. i sat there on my bed almost all night and didnt move.....back in 84 they did not have helicopters here like they do now and during this hole thing i never heard any noises from anything....well thats what happened to me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 03:38 AM
We conducted an extensive investigation at the time and literally hundreds of others saw the same as myself on that night across North, West and East Yorkshire. We never came up with a satisfactory explanation. I now find myself with some time on my hands so I thought I'd take another look. Why not. Our original investigation just centred around our area of Yorkshire, I am now interested in looking a little further afield.


posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 06:33 AM
do you think i was abducted and just dont remember ?.......

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 09:59 AM
It's possible. Only way to find out is to have hypontheraphy and find out.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by mantle1958
We conducted an extensive investigation at the time and literally hundreds of others saw the same as myself on that night across North, West and East Yorkshire. We never came up with a satisfactory explanation. I now find myself with some time on my hands so I thought I'd take another look. Why not. Our original investigation just centred around our area of Yorkshire, I am now interested in looking a little further afield.

Oh, I thought you might be researching the big UFO stir that happened in New York State in the U.S. at that time. Big, V-shaped thing, I guess. Loads of witnesses. I guess they were even trying to get Hynek to come check it out. I'll send you some newspaper .pdfs. Yorkshire? New York? Hmmm...

Other than that, there was a multi-state sighting on Sunday, May 20, 1984, but that was explained away as either a meteor or space junk.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:39 PM
i was thinking about trying the hypnotherepy thing.... i have seen some documentries on abductions and some of the people that do this treatment really have alot of scary memories....anybody have any advice on wether i should do this or not ?...kinda scared to do it.....

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:43 PM
if you want the truth do it

dont take my word though because I have no clue what that really is

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