posted on May, 28 2007 @ 05:59 PM
Let me be quite frank and honest about this issue...
The use and subsequent abuse of drugs and alcohol is a terrible thing to happen to anyone. Life's problems cannot be solved in a bottle, a needle or
in a pipe. For those that feel that drugs and alcohol can be an answer should seek help immediately.
At the same time I do feel that it is every person's right to put substances into their bodies that they want. Government should not have the right
to regulate personal habits. If someone should choose to poison their bodies with narcotics it is not the government's job to babysit them.
I feel that drugs should be legalized, taxed, and regulated. For one it would eliminate the bloated budget that is spent on the failed
War on Drugs, Save hardworking police officers from having to arrest casual users, and ease the
burden of overcrowding in our nations prisons.
And two would also if taxed appropriately it would also prove to be a boon for the American economy, and actually decrease funding funneled to
terrorist organizations. (As supported by the current anti drug establishment)
As far as the question of age restrictions. I feel that 18 is a good age to limit the age to, at 18 you are old enough to vote, you are old enough to
go to war and die for our country, and you are old enough to if the case may be tried as an adult. In all factors you are considered an adult at the
age of 18 and so you should be able to inebriate yourself at the age of 18.