posted on May, 26 2007 @ 08:27 PM
So I've decided to quit eating little piggies on a regular basis. I've been wondering what all the fuss was about with pork and actually sat down
and did some research. I must say, I was totally ignorant of just how bad pork is for you.
I'm going to finish off the cut of bacon and sausage biscuits I have, then that's it. I'll still eat it if it's served to me, but no more bacon
for breakfast every day.
But now I'm stuck... what do I replace it with? I loooooove bacon. Bacon bacon bacon bacon There! In that bag what's it say?! It's bacoooon!
Turkey bacon? Is that stuff any good? Does it taste like pork bacon? I guess it's best baked or fried in a bit of oil.
What about sausage? What am I to do to replace my wonderful sausage patties?
Please share your experiences and advice!
[edit on 26-5-2007 by apc]