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Jeepers Creepers All Over the Place

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posted on May, 26 2007 @ 01:08 AM
Humanoids with wings, 10 feet tall, seen in flight.... According to Linda Moulton Howe...Chupacabras, weird beings...

How do you all feel about these reports? I dont have a link since i am listening to Coast to Coast, it will probably be in Linda Moulton Howe's website, but could these be just a figment of peoples imagination? Could they be real?

Just curious to see how you feel about these things.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 01:45 AM
I am a VERY VERY VERY down to earth person. Skeptic to the extreme..


I also fully understand that there are more things, far more, under the sun that I DON'T know about than I do know about..

I always have a great deal of difficulty dismissing any claims right out. People see what they see and the truth is always stranger than fiction..


posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:27 AM

I guess some things are to remain unknown, at least in our lifetimes!

I wonder what people will be seeing a 100 years from now!

If they could just bring one in.....but that doesnt happen.


posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:08 AM
One time when I took too many magical fungus' I thought that two of my firends were demons. Their mouths stretched across their faces leaving darkness punctuated by nasty sharpened teeth. Time seemed to stop and for a long time I thought I had died of an overdose and reached hell.

Eventually I came out of it.

Now maybe what I saw was a hallucination that is only useful when analysing my own self. My own fears etc. But maybe, just maybe, I was seeing an alternate reality. Something that can only be seen in certain states of being. Something as true as what we see every day.

Maybe the Humanoids with wings, 10 feet tall, seen in flight are hallucinations, or maybe they are Demons that are as real as me or you but can only been seen in certain states of being. Maybe only by certain people. Maybe certain people are more adept at living in alternate states. Maybe the alternate reality is the only state they exist in.

This is entirely speculative.

[edit on 26-5-2007 by surrender_dorothy]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 09:39 AM
What? What's this all about?

Could I have a link? I feel out of the loop...

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 05:34 PM
Just chat about things that go bump in the night- with bright red eyes and 50 foot wings.

I think the Linda Moulton Howe website has plenty on these.

Wouldnt you just poop if you went out at 2 am and ran into one?

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Humanoids with wings, 10 feet tall, seen in flight.... According to Linda Moulton Howe...Chupacabras, weird beings...

How do you all feel about these reports? I dont have a link since i am listening to Coast to Coast, it will probably be in Linda Moulton Howe's website, but could these be just a figment of peoples imagination? Could they be real?

Just curious to see how you feel about these things.

I actually had a post about this myself not sure how long ago. It was me myself driving and I swore to god I saw what looked like a Moth Man on the side of the road, but i was so tired(driving at 4:00am to work) I thought to myself. WoW dark spots in the road and lights etc. can really play tricks with your mind when your tired because as I saw it I stared at it as I came toward it(somewhat scared). As I got closer and closer not taking my eyes off it it became just a black shadow formed from brush or a tree or something. So its hard to say if a creature like this is real.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:44 AM
i've loved monsters since i was a baby, and followed an amateur cryptozoologist's path ever since. but the more i learn about zoology the less i believe in the boogeyman. it doesn't mean i've become some uber-skeptic, or that i refuse to believe anything without being quoted a medical journal first. i'm just alotmore clued in to the statistical likelihood of these things existing. as we all know, statistics are handy for approximating, but are no match for clear proof. therefore my own skepticism still has a big row of seats reserved for these monsters, should they decide to come see the concert

i get rather annoyed with the scientific community however. so little credibility is placed on cryptid stories. if a research facility was invested in, we would finally have a specialized section of experts working on these sightings 24/7. we'd be 80% closer to getting a definitive yay or nay.
if only we could get some law passed that forbids firearms, and replaces them with dart guns we'd stand a damn good chance at getting a decent live specimen of all those creatures of the 'weird thing shot and killed in backwater america, corpse eaten by dogs" ilk. a corpse is only useful under certain conditions. a live creature is a wealth of genetic information,can be tagged an rereleased to check for dens etc... in short, if we could get an official research group going, we'd get damn some answers for a change.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:50 AM

"The chupacabras entity with glowing eyes was hovering off the ground
after it jumped off the roof. It seemed to be hovering a number of
centimeters off the ground." - Scott Corrales, Editor Explicata

There's your link

[edit on 27/5/07 by CthulhuRising]


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