posted on May, 26 2007 @ 08:31 AM
Last night, I had a big realization out of all this.
One of the things I have struggled with in my walk as a Christian has been the assertion, in Psalm 119:11 "Thy words have I hid in my heart, that I
might not sin against thee." I have trouble with this, because I am all for disclosure of God's Word, and I think God is, too. The Great Commission
is, after all, for Christians to go, baptize, and teach the gospel. So it seemed like there was a contradiction there for me. Not for God, but for
Now, I finally understand why God admonishes us to hide His words in our hearts that we might not sin against Him. It is because God's truth must be
validated from within a person, not from without. Belief is internal, not external. When we go and try to start telling other people what to believe,
and they feel compelled to defend their own beliefs, it can turn into heated debate and injurious gossip, and gossip is a sin. The worst part about it
is it can lead a brother to stumble, and the unsaved to turn away, making it more difficult for God's Truth to be known. "Therefore, if food causes
my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to stumble." (1 Corinthians 8:13 NASB)
I believe I am guilty of this and was self-convicted last night. I also think this is the root of the problem for the 9/11 Truth Movement with Rosie
going off like she has.
I now think the best idea in both scenarios is to state my position, give it a little support (without going on the attack), refuse to be drawn into
the gossip trap, then encourage the other individual to look into the entirety of the information available on the subject, with an open mind, before
coming to a conclusion as to the validity of my assertions. Then I think I'll leave it at that, and let God do the rest.
Peace y'all, and God bless!