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Will we actually get to see Loose Change in theaters?

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posted on May, 31 2007 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
outside of the conspiracy groups, they are completely unknown. But they have been working hard on their marketing which shows they desperately want attention.

I may be wrong, but if you were producing a movie to go in theaters, wouldn't you need to promote it and raise capital to make the thing? What is wrong with marketing, this is America isn't it? These people have to make a living just like you or me. I say wait for the final cut to come out, it will be substantially different from the previous versions. Seeing as they have been ridiculed for their style of film making, maybe it was a good idea to get Jones to produce the final cut for them. Jones's films are very good IMO and he puts the documents right on the screen to prove many of his claims.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Originally posted by Ahabstar
Actually they started out to do a fictional movie about two guys researching 9/11 and found out it was all a giant conspiracy as a student project. During pre-production they decided to drop the fictional story angle and develop a documentary style movie based on their research. Avery doesn't mention anything about if they went in with objectivity or stuck with the predrawn conclusion that it was still a giant conspiracy.

Do you have any links or evidence that can support this statement? I'm curious to browse the information your looking at.

Sure, here you go>>

I had read that origin story in many forums that were both pro and con. So I guess I must refine my original statement as a film to get into Purchase College's film school after being twice rejected via standard admission avenues. No indication of being admitted after making Loose Change either.

I would guess from the fame and money made by Loose Change, he would not feel the need to attend a film school. Then again, I feel that college degrees are not needed for many jobs that employers use as a requirement for hiring. Dylan Avery also now sells records that are related to the truth Movement as well.

Gaining benefit from the tragedy is a common accusation against Bush and Friends. Dylan Avery might truely support the goals of the Truth Movement, but he isn't above intentionally making a buck off it either.

Edit for link

[edit on 31-5-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Ahabstar
Gaining benefit from the tragedy is a common accusation against Bush and Friends. Dylan Avery might truely support the goals of the Truth Movement, but he isn't above intentionally making a buck off it either.

As I recall, many family members of the victims of 9/11 support these people. They don't always agree on all points, but the underlying overall statement is to get a proper investigation of the events done. Many people may not agree with all the claims in Loose Change, but I bet just as many don't agree with all the claims made by our government, either.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
Many people may not agree with all the claims in Loose Change, but I bet just as many don't agree with all the claims made by our government, either.

Very true here are two such people. Source is

In a debate against Mark Roberts, creator of the "Loose Change 2nd Edition Viewers Guide" and Ronald Wieck, contributor to the American Thinker, Dylan Avery stated that:

“ I would be the first to admit that our film definitely contained errors, it still does contain some dubious claims, and it does come to some conclusions that are not 100% backed up by the facts.”

In response to some of these errors Korey Rowe, the producer of the "Second Edition", claimed in an interview:

“ We know there are errors in the documentary, and we’ve actually left them in there so that people discredit us and do the research for themselves.

Now, if I wanted to paint with a broad brush. Those two quotes make Loose Change a mockumentary by definition. By using it as an introductory film to the ideas of the Truth Movement, then it becomes by definition: Propaganda.

I will let you draw your own conclusions.

[edit on 31-5-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:53 PM
I have not seen Loose change and i have heard it's not a good video.

I would watch it if i had high speed but I don't want to load a bad video for 10 hours...

Just like many times before, i suggest this video right here to be seen...

This is a very good video that should be seen and if a video of this fashion would be in theaters then many more people would realize that 911 was an inside job.

Google Video Link

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by selfless

This is a very good video that should be seen and if a video of this fashion would be in theaters then many more people would realize that 911 was an inside job.

Okay I watched this, the three expert speakers that form the bulk of the video are a professor of Theology, an Electrical Engineer and a professor of Philosophy. Now, let me state that their areas of expertise does not invalidate their presentation, but it does not validate it either as expert opinion as much of the presentation fell in the field of structural engineering. Two of them could give great expert insight to the definition and formation of a cult, but I digress.

I should have taken notes for incorrect information but I did not. Off the top of my head the third speaker makes a large issue of it must be fact of CD on WTC7 because of Silversteins conversation "with some 'cop' and tells this police commander to 'pull the building'" I would have excused that he was actually talking to NYFD Fire Commander but his cocky struting around to his "proof of CD" was childish.

Two very large proofs of CD being used are the squibs and all concrete completely reduced to powder. So I went to CDI's webpage as they are the experts and have a few videos. Every video that I downloaded and watched that had squibs, they always were visible well before the building collapses, not once during the collapse or just milliseconds ahead of a leading edge. In every instance of CD video they never did a top down implosion. The video of the Villa Panamericanas demo, we have large chuncks of concrete that are essentially like we saw them. They were not reduced to powder, of course it was nothing like WTC.

One time I had to remove concrete from a pole that had been concreted in place. Pounding the concrete ball with a sledgehammer was slow and producing lots of powder that I would have to clean up. My solution was to invert the pole and pound the bottom of the steel pole so the concrete cracked into chuncks from the vibration. Worked pretty fast and cleanup was easier too.

[edit on 31-5-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 08:12 PM
Going to the troubles of orchestrating 2 plane crashes, I am sure that they wouldn't use demolition methods that would be too obvious to the naked eye....

Although if you look at the multiple videos of the world trade center collapse, it doesn't look anything like a natural collapse.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Originally posted by snoopy
outside of the conspiracy groups, they are completely unknown. But they have been working hard on their marketing which shows they desperately want attention.

I may be wrong, but if you were producing a movie to go in theaters, wouldn't you need to promote it and raise capital to make the thing? What is wrong with marketing, this is America isn't it? These people have to make a living just like you or me. I say wait for the final cut to come out, it will be substantially different from the previous versions. Seeing as they have been ridiculed for their style of film making, maybe it was a good idea to get Jones to produce the final cut for them. Jones's films are very good IMO and he puts the documents right on the screen to prove many of his claims.

I never claimed there was anything wrong with it. But someone said that they didn't go looking for attention. Would you not agree that what marketing is is looking for attention so that people will know about your product?

So how do you know it will be different form all the others? They make revision after revision and it's the same BS. What is it that you know that will make this one different? What happened that suddenly made them honest? And if they have released 4 dishonest films, how can you expect one to believe the 5th will be honest? We're simply talking probability here. I could be wrong (as could you or anyone else), but if I had to bet my life on whether it would be honest or just like the others, I am gonna put my life on it being just like the others. Again, sheer probability. I think Jones is even worse, so if Jones being involved is the reason why it may be more honest, then I think it will likely be less honest.

But again I will repeat that I pray the film goes mainstream and becomes well known. I hope it gets as much marketing as F911. I'm not rooting for them to fail, I am rooting for them to succeed. Because this will help force the legitimate scientists who for the most part don't even know about the 9/11 truth movements and what not, to address some of these issues. Of course any scientists who do address the issues will not be taken seriously by the truth movement, but that's not important to me.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

As I recall, many family members of the victims of 9/11 support these people. They don't always agree on all points, but the underlying overall statement is to get a proper investigation of the events done. Many people may not agree with all the claims in Loose Change, but I bet just as many don't agree with all the claims made by our government, either.

But that's not really true. Out of the housands of victims family members, only 3 have been involved in such movements. And those were not so much on the conspiracy line like the LC guys as it was about holding people responsible for negligence. So to say that the majority of the victims families support these guys and want a proper investigation is not really true.

And you are also saying that you bet that 50% of the country don't believe the scientists findings. I don't think that is very realistic either. The majority of the country may dislike the administration and what they do, but that doesn't mean they think 9/11 was an inside job. That's clearly a big minority. The majority of the population isn't even aware of these movement other than there exist people who think 9/11 was an inside job because sometimes the news mentions it.

But hey, if the LC guys do some good marketing that will all change (no pun intended!). :-)

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