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Global Warming: Can Earth Explode?

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posted on May, 25 2007 @ 07:45 AM

A friend showed me this website, and after looking in to it I thought it was absolute nonsense. Although I was wondering what the rest of the community thought about it, and why?

[edit on 25-5-2007 by Jadefire]

[edit on 25-5-2007 by Jadefire]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 08:00 AM
Not a chance for the earth blow up.
Wow what silly science paper will I read next>

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 08:04 AM
Wow. Theres 30 minutes of my life that I want back.
I can't believe I actually read those papers. :shk: Boredom makes people do strange things...

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000
Wow. Theres 30 minutes of my life that I want back.
I can't believe I actually read those papers. :shk: Boredom makes people do strange things...

Hahaha, sorry about that. :\

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 08:08 AM

Should we attempt to save the planet?
For those who do not care?
For those whose ultimate dream is to win the lottery in order to do nothing, NOT EVEN THINK?
For those whose favourite activity is to intoxicate and entertain themselves in order to FORGET Reality?
For those who are ready to kill or spend their lives fighting for a piece of land or property?
For those who allow their minds to become cluttered with doctrines, misinformation and deceit?
For those who blindly follow the flock - unable and unwilling to THINK?
For those who prefer to cultivate animal instincts rather than intellect?

I'm all for "intoxicating myself in order to forget about reality"

Can the earth explode?

Is it physically able to explode?

Yes I suppose is it...

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 08:25 AM
The only thing I can think of that would make a planet literally explode is gravitational tidal forces from a couple of black hole or a bunch of closely packed red giant stars. Though I guess it wouldn't be an explosion it would more resemble being torn apart.

[edit on 25-5-2007 by sardion2000]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 08:55 AM
What do I think of it? Well, "absolute nonsense" is a pretty good description. However, let's go into the science a bit and see why it's silly.

In the first place, Earth was MUCH hotter in the past. During the Cretaceous, the surface was warmer... but during the Precambrian, it was hotter still. During the first billion or so years of our planet's existance, the crust was cooling from the white-hot state of formation. It certainly didn't explode then.

There was also a higher percentage of radioactive elements during the first billion or so years of Earth's existance. Radioactive elements have a "half life", and while some of them have very long half lives, things don't stay radioactive indefinately. So there's actually less radioactive material at the Earth's core now than there was even 1 billion years ago... or 100,000 years ago.

I had a look at the second paper, and the poor research in it made me start to suspect that the writer had bought his degree from an online degree mill (or at least that he doesn't have a degree in geology or geophysics.) His references are absurd -- Plato, Gospel of Thomas, "Thiaoouba prophecy", and material from the 1930's. (Another clue that he bought that PhD is that he doesn't know how to give his title correctly ("Dr. Tom Chalko, PhD" is the wrong format.) He teaches people to read auras (I have no problem with that) and gives them advice... what I do have a problem with is his ability to do research and to examine the facts.

Thiaoouba Prophecy, by the way, is a channeled book by an "alien contactee." (a scan of that shows that all the remarks about Earth's geology and when humans appeared is completely wrong.)

Other evidences that he bought the degree (or bestowed the degree on himself) are found in the topics he writes about and the spectacularly bad research thereon.

There's a greater chance that his pants will explode from global warming than the Earth will explode from global warming.

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