posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 09:57 AM
Last night, at the dance club (Thanks Gryffen and Sabot! *waves*), among the drama, my head felt like a block of mucus. Like a ozzy block of Gorau
My mom had the brilliant suggestion of this little trick:
1. Take a pinch of salt and put in a teaspon.
2. Fill it up with water.
3. Pour the salt solution into a cup and swirl it around so that the salt gets mixed up.
4. Pour the solution back into the teaspoon
- now here's the hard part -
5. Bend over to the teaspoon and snort the water up your nose, and keep on snorting until it comes down the roof of your mouth.
Do this over a sink because your mucus is going to come out like a broken dam. It may not happen immeadiately (give it a minute or so). I had to do it
twice because it didn't seem to work for one side of my nose.
Apparently what happens is that the salt kills the infection in your sinuses, which causes the mucus. This is interesting because I thought your body
just "made" mucus. But it makes sense because you get infected in the back of your throat ... which is very close to your sinues (via the roof of
your mouth). The salt solution will kill anything nasty living in there.
hope this helps someone
It takes some guts to snort salt water up your nose and out the roof of your mouth, but its well worth it.