posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:36 AM
You're not insane, Forcemaster and I think you know that. It's the world as it is, that's insane. Living here and NOT going insane is a big ask
... of all of us, apart from those who unfortunately succumbed to selective insanity, many of whom ( for reasons known only to God) appear to hold
positions of power and influence.
This is not a nice place. We try to put a positive spin on things by focusing on the glories of man and Nature, but it's difficult to maintain when
on one side of the scales are babies'-smiles and rose-buds and on the other are abbatoirs, the depravities of war .... even packs of cannibal monkeys
eating another alive on 'Nature' documentaries.
We smile at the cute little old man taking his little doggie for a walk ... never suspecting that sixty years ago, as a young soldier, he raped
children and then threw them down a well (true story, seen in a programme featuring elderly Japanese soldiers, living in sublime comfort and peace,
even smiling as they reminisced).
This poor planet has been drenched with blood from the outset. But see how deceptive everything is? When seen from space, people rhapsodise about
Our Glorious Blue Planet. But if ' seen true ', it would be a ghastly blood red.
You may never kill anyone. Most of us do not. Yet we are witness to cruel death, lifelong.
The sages and most religions advise us that to retaliate is 'wrong'. We are advised that all is God's Will. We are advised to 'detach' and
'sever attachments', if we are to progress, or escape.
'Justice is mine', saith the Lord.
If someone steals our shoes, we're advised to also hand him our cloak.
When we pray, we ask for forgiveness ..... as 'we forgive those who trespass against us'.
Forgiving people is a massive ask, much of the time. Massive. Sometimes, the only way to achieve it is by simply Letting Go. Because some
trespasses cannot be reconciled with our sense of justice.
Years ago, confronted with one of those situations, I was fortunate enough to read the perfect advice at the crucial moment. The advice was: Consign
it all to God.
It went against the grain, because I'd lived my life pretty much by the philosophy: The Buck Stops Here, aka: I Will Not Walk Away from My
Responsibilities: I Will Be Accountable.
The philosphy of Consigning It All to God seemed at first to be one of evading responsibility.
But it's not.
God or whatever name you choose for the Ultimate, Highest Power for Good is responsible ... for us, for this earth and for everything that occurs upon
Personally, I feel that a great deal which occurs on this planet is evilly insane. But then, who am I ? Or for that matter ... who are you?
We don't even know WHAT we are ... or if we 'exist' at all, in the way we generally believe ourselves to be.
For all we know, we may be bits or bytes or whatever, in some third-rate cosmic computer-game.
Think of that for a second, please. My kids used to play a game called Ceasar (I think). They created villages and cities, installed viaducts,
amassed competing communities and armies. Then, with a tap of the controls, they reduced it all to nothing, via means of floods, famines, wars, etc.
And all the little 'people' on the screen were destroyed and 'died' horribly. I asked my kids: ' Don't you feel bad about doing that to
them? It's just like real life. That could be you in that town, being cut down by the enemy and after you'd worked so hard to grow your crops.
It's cruel. "
But my kids were unperturbed. " Get a grip. It's just a game. They don't exist. They're not real people. I can re-make it all again in five
minutes. It's just a game. None of it is real. "
In between painting a few walls this afternoon, I caught part of a documentary about the Fall of East Prussia, in WW2. Men in their 70s and 80s cried
as they told how the Red Army dragged the town's women-folk (including their own mothers) out of their homes and raped them on the freezing ground
before their children, husbands, fathers and brothers ..... then force-marched the survivors to a ditch, to their death.
Not all those Red Army soldiers died in WW2. Many survived and went on to marry, have children, homes and long lives. Is that just, that they should
be able to enjoy comfortable lives and provide their own children with love and security --- when a few years earlier they'd made orphans of hundreds
of small children after raping and murdering those children's mothers?
Is God in His Heaven? Does He observe all this? Does He hear the screams of terror, despair and pain?
Sometimes it seems not. Yet we didn't create ourselves, did we? And are we able to say with absolute certainty that rapists and murderers CHOOSE to
be as they are? Or were they destined to be as they are? Were their paths predetermined? With regards those we revile -- is it actually a case of:
There But For the Grace of God, Go I ? Put simply: if the dice had rolled the other way, is it possible you and I might be the monsters?
Grace is bestowed upon those who forgive, who submit to what is termed God's Will.
Seen in that light, the murderers, thieves, rapists and assorted monsters are making it possible for those who forgive, to 'shine', to gather Grace.
In short, the bad guys make the rest of us look good.
And when we manage (and it's not always easy) to 'forgive', we must remember such was only made possible by the sinners, the monsters. Light and
shadow. Left hand, right hand. Good and evil. Forgiven and forgivers.
Almost seems like some sort of plan, or game, sometimes.
Some religions advise forgiveness. Others advise us to 'let go of attachments'. All seem to be telling us we should not become enmeshed in worldly
things ... that to do so will be to our peril, our spiritual cost.
But we're DOWN HERE. And remaining uninvolved is easier said than done, for some more than others. I used to scream and rant (to the sky,
basically): ' Jesus only had to put up with this place for 33 years, but the rest of us aren't able to leave that early ! It's HARD, down here !
No-one responded, that I'm aware. But the rants helped me at the time.
At times, in extremity, 'Consigning it all to God' is the only option. The rest of the time, we take our problems and pains on our own shoulders
automatically. It's the way most of us are raised to be. And we remember that God Helps He/She Who Helps Him/Herself. We don't want to burden our
God. We pitch in and try and try again, as we were taught. We hope and sometimes pray that our God will give us a helping hand.
And we suffer. We suffer knowing other people and animals and the planet are suffering. We can't enjoy our lives, knowing the horrors that are
going on. Out of Sight, Out of Mind is no comfort to us, much of the time. Most of us want a 'nice' and kinder world, for all its creatures.
So, we suffer as the price of being 'humans' on this planet. And it doesn't make a lot of sense. If God could create so many wonderful things,
why didn't he make this world a better, kinder place?
There are no answers that really satisfy.
We simply have to accept we aren't powerful enough to change it to the way we'd like. We can make our homes nice places to be, but then we feel
guilty about creating our nice world-within-a-world, when so many others are suffering 'out there'.
I feel for you, Forcemaster. Most of us have been where you are.
Only advice I can offer, is Consign it All to God. Do what you can to help, then consign it all to God. And hope for the best. Maybe it's all a
test? Maybe a joke? Who knows --- maybe it's all illusion ( including our soul-searching) just like the Ceasar computer-game.