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9/11 firefighter murdered

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posted on May, 25 2007 @ 12:10 AM
9/11 firefighter Sal Princiotta was found murdered in his Scottsdale, Arizona home last week.

This might prove interesting as it unfolds.

This exchange from a CNN transcript from December 21, 2001 is odd. Princiotta states that he was on scene at the WTC just after the first building collapsed but before the second collapse. His fellow firefighters state that they didn't get down to the WTC until 11am. The second tower collapsed at 10:28.

Interview of Dan Rowan, Sal Princiotta, Ralph Perricelli

ROWAN: September 11th, I was actually with a police officer, who is a liaison between the FAA, Secret Service, and the Police Department Port Authority at Kennedy Airport, and we saw what had happened. I was at his house, and we immediately knew it was going to be a recall, and we came right in. I was in at 11:00 a.m. in the morning, I was along with Sal and along with Ralph.

PRINCIOTTA: Yeah, I live in Midtown, so I got down there pretty quick.

KAGAN: You did.


KAGAN: And on this -- actually, on September 11th, then, so you were down there by 11, by mid-day, so this is after the buildings collapsed.

ROWAN: Right after the buildings collapsed.

PRINCIOTTA: Right before -- right after two collapsed.

Notice the contradiction of the statements of Rowan and Princiotta.


The south tower (2 WTC) fell at approximately 9:59 a.m. ... The north tower (1 WTC) fell at 10:28 a.m.

[edit on 25-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 12:23 AM
Isn't that interesting. We'll never hear the end of this regardless.
Let's hope more don't show up. These are actual heros and live human beings we're talking about here.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 01:22 AM
I don’t see anything suspicious at all here. The so called contradiction between the two simply looks like Princiotta was clarifying that it was building two and not both buildings.

As for the time contradiction, it was most likely just a guess. I doubt he was looking at his watch when it happened and I doubt that you could name the exact time you did everything today. 11 isn’t far off from 10:28 or even 9:59. Nothing more then a simple mistake and him probably not keeping precise note of the time.

Since nothing has been released about how he was murdered, there is no way to know if that was suspicious

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Lethys
Since nothing has been released about how he was murdered, there is no way to know if that was suspicious

Like I said, just something to keep an eye on.

Scottsdale only has about 7 murders a year. That's pretty low for a city that has 220,000 citizens.

The so called contradiction between the two simply looks like Princiotta was clarifying that it was building two and not both buildings.

11 isn’t far off from 10:28 or even 9:59.

11am - 10am
Building 1 - building 2

No one really remembers details about 9/11 do they?

[edit on 25-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 01:44 AM
Hmm, odd. Well, I wonder what makes him so special!!!

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by Lethys

As for the time contradiction, it was most likely just a guess. I doubt he was looking at his watch when it happened and I doubt that you could name the exact time you did everything today. 11 isn’t far off from 10:28 or even 9:59. Nothing more then a simple mistake and him probably not keeping precise note of the time.......

Yep probably doing something more important like getting out the way of the falling materials...I don't know bout you guys but I could have looked at my watch 10 minutes ago and still not know what the time is. I should think the shock of the events occurring would overtake timekeeping abilities. The mans job was to save lives and stop places burning down, that was his primary function...not timekeeping.

Originally posted by Lethys

Since nothing has been released about how he was murdered, there is no way to know if that was suspicious

Hey the unfortunate chap could have passed away in bed at a hundred years old with a bedful of cheerleaders and some of the 911 cultists would still cry black op or something

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 05:53 PM
With all the high profile people on the planes, and although this may just be a coincidence it is odd. I feel like I live in Russia. I am definately not speaking out against 9/11, or taking any tea from ex-KGB.

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