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a 911 paper i did for class

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posted on May, 22 2007 @ 11:45 PM
did for history class, be kind please 2 posts

In the early years of the 21st century terrorism was used by governments across the world as a pretext to scare their population into submission. Life became a surveillance grid nightmare with every individuals action catalogued and recorded by the state. Secret arrests, checkpoints and warrant less searches spread. The final incremental march of the fourth Reich culminating an open martial law. This is the story of how the elite sold the one proud people of the west for cannon fodder for world domination.
This began on September 11th 2001 with the tragic attacks on the World Trade Center and the pentagon. 2000+ Americans lost their lives, it’s unimaginable to think the government was behind this but it’s not ruled out. Many of the days events are still shrouded in a cloud of mystery and deceit. The American people have called for an independent investigation into the events but congress is too afraid to act accordingly. The September 11th commission report was issued but is filled with many holes and some facts are missing even. Now is the time to explore those missing facts and uncover the truth of that day’s event that would change the country forever. Prior knowledge plays a major role in the government’s failure to act. Top Pentagon officials were told not to fly the day before along with mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco was told not to fly on September 10th; John Ashcroft was told as well. Condoleezza Rice was informed of an imminent terror attack on September 6th. The FBI ignored leads by an Iranian man detained by German officials in Hanover who had a critical lead in averting the attacks of the day.

The NSA did not share information they received in a wire tapping that there was a conversation between the commander of the world trade center and the pentagon and the alleged lead high hijacker. They failed to inform the other agencies of this vital information. The state department released a public announcement on September 7th 2001 which read:’’ Over the last several months, the U.S. Government has learned that U.S. citizens and interests abroad may be at increased risk of a terrorist action from extremist groups. In addition, we have received unconfirmed information that terrorist actions may be taken against U.S. military facilities and/or establishments frequented by U.S. military personnel in Korea and Japan. We are also concerned about information we received in May 2001 that American citizens may be the target of a terrorist threat from extremist groups with links to Usama Bin Ladin's Al-Qaida organization. In the past, such individuals have not distinguished between official and civilian targets. As always, we take this information seriously. U.S. Government facilities worldwide remain at a heightened state of alert’’. Moving along now, time to focus on the world trade center complex itself and the mystery around WTC 7. Its evident two planes hit buildings one and two unknown to many is that the CIA was running drills that early September morning simulating hijacked aircraft going into the WTC and the Pentagon. On NORAD’s radar screen it showed as many as 22 jets. When they received the call a plane was being hijacked the air traffic controller asked’’ is this real world or exercise?’’ The project for a new American century released a memo to the white house in may of 2000 called for a new pearl harbor, This is the direct quote: ‘’Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new pearl harbor’’. Which adds more questions to why this was mentioned a year before the actual events. Operation Northwoods carries on the idea staged attacks and placing it on some other party. It called for hijacking of airliners and destroying them and blaming it on Cuba. This is relevant on 911 in part due to the finger pointed on Osama Bin Laden’ organization.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 11:45 PM
part two

When in fact elements of our own government may be behind the tragic events of that day, now towers one and two clearly fell but how? No steel building has ever fallen in the history of the United States. The designer of the world trade center had it designed to where it could wistain an airliner hitting the building and not fall. Yet the towers still fell, the answer to this question may be bombs in the building, firefighters said it themselves they heard bombs going off inside the building. Key explosions can be seen on floors of the world trade center. This will be explained in the provided document and documentary. World trade center building 7 said to of fell to debris hitting it and a fire. This is provided to be false by a slip of the tongue. The owner of the building complex Larry A. Silverstein admitted on camera they made the decision to pull it. Pull it is a term for controlled demolition and thus the building fell. BBC news reported that the building was going to fall 20 minutes before it fell, which hints that the media knew of the events that transpired before they happened. Since then BBC has pulled the video off the internet and the achieves website. Months before 911 he took out a massive insurance policy over a million dollars. Rudolph Giuliani knew the building was going to collapse for he was there on the morning of September 11th. The building housed within itself many federal agencies including: fema, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS. The events of September 11th were just the start of the march of the fourth Reich.

Not all fascisms look like Adolph Hitler, which must be kept in mind at all times. The arrival of the patriot act has thrown the country into a state of terror at times. It clearly violates the constitution and was passed without being looked over. For during that time it would be considered unpatriotic. The media plays a role in the rise of the fourth Reich for the patriot act says ‘’ EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.’’ This means filling the airwaves with their information, what they want told and all whitewashed information, example: propaganda for a lost cause. We see this daily throughout channels such as fox news and MSNBC, anyone who opposes the ideology of the current leader is called a liberal or far left or far right extremist. Infamous for doing this is Bill O Riley of fox news. With the media in turmoil and the imminent destruction of the country’s civil liberties, it stands on the brink of destruction courtesy of the global elite and their plan to make a global empire. It is up to the American people not the leaders to spread the truth and understanding of how this event changed everyone’s lives forever.

This use to be home of the free and brave but now it has become home of the slaves. It was a wake up call to the world to mobilize for peace and justice against tyranny. It was not the 3 branches of government that stopped wars, it was not the foundation called democracy that sparked a revolution. It was the small movement of people united for a simple cause. Great movements have spurred from small groups. The truth will set you free. Ideas are bulletproof.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:31 AM
It's a nice neat essay. It does seem to juxtaposition between a future essay looking back at the events of the past and an essay on how we can change the future as a people.

Still you included a lot of the information, and conspiracy info out there, and it puts together everything in a consice, yet compact manner, for people who sort of missed the events thus far.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:39 AM
thank you,since the paper my teacher is doing research herself

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