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Global Annual C02 Output Increase Faster Than Predicted

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posted on May, 22 2007 @ 05:59 PM

Carbon dioxide emissions have accelerated globally at a greater rate than expected in recent years, scientists announced today.

The average growth rate of the emissions increased from 1.1 percent a year in the 1990s to 3 percent increase per year since 2000, according to a study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"A major driver of the accelerating growth rate in emissions is that, globally, we're burning more carbon per dollar of wealth created," said lead author Mike Raupach from the Marine and Atmospheric Research and the Global Carbon Project in Australia. "In the last few years, the global usage of fossil fuels has actually become less efficient. This adds to pressures from increasing population and wealth."

Raupach said the emissions are at the high end of projections used to generate dire predictions of climate change by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


This is not good, such a large increase in C02 emissions, being one of the contributing
greenhouse gasses to AICC can have nothing but negative effects.

What we really need to be doing is not just switching to green and renewable
energies ourselves, but also providing the same solutions and technologies
to the countries that need energy the most and are not rich enough to heavily
invest in such technologies themselves.

Comments, Opinions?

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:39 PM
Hummm ... 3 times more CO2 per year than previously reported? Take all of the projections about how fast things were going to go and throw them out the window. What was previously thought to take another 50 years (i.e. Arctic Ice completely melting in the summer) will now happen in 15 (yes, even with CO2 lag).

Yeah, yeah, there will be those skeptics here who say there is no relation to CO2 and Global Warming ... well, the proof will be in our faces shortly my friends.

Start making your plans. Its happening.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:14 PM
The whole article states the U.S. carbon output has remained relatively steady, while China and other developing nations' outputs are sky-high and increasing.

Yet the U.S. is the villain while the real polluters are ignored by the global leftist media conspiracy.


posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:49 PM
No question the real villain is China ... they are burning coal like there is no tomorrow ... (oh, did I make a pun?)

Anyway, doesn't matter who is to blame .... no one is going to care in 20 years.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by dave_54
The whole article states the U.S. carbon output has remained relatively steady, while China and other developing nations' outputs are sky-high and increasing.

Yet the U.S. is the villain while the real polluters are ignored by the global leftist media conspiracy.


Well yes our C02 emissions have leveled off, but we are still the largest producer of it
in the world today, the point I was making though is that we need to start reducing ours
as well as helping developing countries that are producing it in large amounts use
clean and renewable alternative energies as well.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 12:16 AM
Combustion produces CARBON MONOXIDE! ; CO -- one carbon, one oxygen!

Living creatures not of the flora genra produce Carbon DIOXIDE! CO2 -- one carbon, two oxygen, through breathing.

Why oh why does no one pay attention to science 101, or for that fact don't you learn about the Carbon cycle in grade six?

Increased heat leading to more evaporation of the oceans, leads to more rainfall, leads to more plant growth, lead to more consumption of Carbon Dioxide.

If your worried about Carbon emissions fine but if you go off on a tangent about CO2 your just a gullible knob who believes everything the media throws at you.

When all is said & done this is just another attempt at a global tax!
Wake up people.
When people commit suicide by running their vehicle in their closed garage they die from Carbon Monoxide poisoning not Carbon Dioxide!

Pollution bad, Carbon is natural.

P.S. I'm not giving up meat so burn in hell you enviro nazi's!

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 01:23 AM
Whoaa there pardner! I recon we hit a nerve! Come on, you know CO2 is a natural by-product of ALL oxidation, including combustion; thats High School stuff. No one in this thread said a word about gasoline, global tax, or your meat consumption ... or anything else CRAZED like that. Who CARES what the cause of this is? Man-made or not, it doesn't matter.

If indeed this article is true, and the rise was indeed 3 percent per year since 2000, then its already too late. Go ahead, have your steak, and drive your Hummer ...

it doesn't matter anymore.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei

...Well yes our C02 emissions have leveled off, but we are still the largest producer of it ...

As if this posting.

Give it a year or so. China is no longer the world's number 2 producer, they are about number 1.5 and increasing rapidly. Within a short time China will be producing more carbon than the U.S. and the global leftist media conspiracy will still blame the U.S. for global warming.

Liars and hypocrites.

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