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America: Land of the Elite, Home of the Slave

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posted on May, 22 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Getting Owned: Domestic Imperialism

ATS Member Polanski, in his “ATS Email Special: Capitalism Endgame”, recently detailed recent moves by the power elite establishment to secure their stranglehold on the wealth and resources of this great Empire. While he was dead on, and deserves many kudos, I’d like to dive into the harsher realities of this so-called “freedom” that everyone is always talking about.

The concept of freedom that everyone holds is a myth. The power of this myth remains true as long as it isn’t questioned, like any other myth that has or could permeate. It’s all about what you believe.

If you’re told your entire life -on a daily basis even- that you’re free, it wont take long until you start telling yourself the same. Then someone walks up and says “hey, by the way, we’re not actually free”, and your next reaction goes without saying. I could go into a huge discussion about how memories / mindsets / thought patterns are physical structures of networks of self-establishing neurons inside the brain, and when new information comes in that contradicts the established physical structures the new information is literally facing physical resistance at the cellular level, and how the more we “excite” whatever networks of neurons represent whatever concept the stronger and deeper said networks establish themselves, but I’ll try to keep this focused in the real issue: the fact that we’re all slaves whether we want to accept it or not.

To understand this slavery we must first analyze this concept of “freedom”. First you must ask yourself what you can actually do without needing permission. I laugh when I hear people talking about “gay rights”. The “rights” they’re mainly trying to get are the “rights” to get married. The fallacy there is the fact that nobody has the right to get married, as to get married it requires a LICENSE. Because of this fact, the gay rights movement is merely fighting to be able to then get permission to get married. Now think of all of the other things that you must get a license / permit for to be able to do it.

The most critical thing one must understand is the difference between rights and non-rights. You either have a right to do something, or you don’t. It’s that simple. Rights cannot be given, you have them to begin with period. For example, the Bill of Rights doesn’t actually give you your rights, it merely has your so-called unalienable rights in writing so that there isn’t any question, later on, like in these times as it’s been quite a long time since these rights were established by the Founding Fathers. It’s important to note that they didn’t ask anyone for the rights, they took their destiny into their own hands and out of the British Empire’s ‘hands’.

Next comes this so-called Bill of Rights, which is part of the US Constitution. Well if you go down the list, 9 out of 10 are marginalized (pre-911) or completely shredded (post-911). For example, one of the five aspects of the 1st Amendment is freedom of speech. We’re “free” to say whatever we want, right? It depends on what your idea of freedom is. The 1st Amendment should have been freedom of thought, because if you’re not actually free to think for yourself then how could you possibly be free to say what you would say if you actually knew the truth about all of the things you’ve been lied to about your entire life (about being “free”, for example).

But the devil’s advocate would say, “But I am free to think about whatever I want”. Everything in question in this essay would depend on your interpretation of things, and in this context interpretation is critical because if you’re indoctrinated to believe lies your entire life, then how could you possibly properly interpret truth, even when it is actually mentioned? That’s just it, it hardly ever is mentioned, instead a different half-truth & half-“patriotic”-lies story is fed to US on a constant, and every now and then when contradictory information pops up the brain dismisses it and then it might as well have never been said to begin with. Because of this thought control, we’re rarely free to speak what we would if we were actually able to understand what’s actually truth (instead of our subjective realities).

But every now and then people do break through, and then when they exercise their “freedom of speech” they’re added to one of the many terrorist watch lists that the establishment is using tally up us aspiring free-thinkers with. Do you call that freedom?

That’s just one aspect of the 1st Amendment from the Bill of Rights. The same sort of outcome can be said of 8 of the other 9. The one exception is the only one on there that doesn’t actually have any real importance today, the 3rd Amendment, whereas the rest that actually have the most importance are the ones most challenged by the elite establishment.

So what about some of the added Amendments?

Amendment 13 “Abolished Slavery”. Here this depends on your interpretation of freedom and slavery. Due to the nature of the type of slavery that used to exist here in the U.S., most people seem to assume that the only form of slavery is when a person literally owns you outright and you live out behind their house in a shed. While that is clearly a nasty form of slavery, the definition of slavery is important in having some concept of what slavery actually is:

1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.
a. The practice of owning slaves.
b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
4. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery.

Those ‘lesser’ definitions will become more important as things move on, but first we must examine the 14th Amendment which deals with “Citizenship Rights”. This Amendment almost immediately hijacked by the elite to secure equal rights for corporations. In effect, corporations have virtually the same exact rights as you or I, and this even included multi-national corporations who time after time have no concept of national allegiance as do you or I. Next, the difference become rather obvious as not only do these corporations have these rights, but they also have power that we simpletons simply cannot match. This, as with most of these other issues, deserves it’s own essay comparable to this to fully understand just how far their power goes, and how politicians are their subjects by the time they get elected.

Next comes the 16th Amendment, which is where the elite instituted a federal income tax, which was soon thereafter complimented by the Federal Reserve Act. Now they had an income tax so they force US to pay for global American Imperialism. Then, with the Federal Reserve, they could manage inflation. Inflation is the ‘hidden’ tax that we rarely notice. It’s an ongoing devaluation of the Dollar.
See Here:
Inflation eating US alive: $7.25 will be worth less than $5.15 before Minimun Wage raises in 2009

So here we’re all subjects to this inflation tax, which consistently goes unnoticed by The People. But where does the money go? To paying off the national debt. The unnoticed tax gives the congressional stooges of American Imperialism the green light for military spending and the rest involved with destabilizing the globe, perpetual wars and so on.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 05:40 PM
All debt is slavery, by definition, but this become even more so when we’re talking about a debt that we have absolutely no control over, as evidenced by the fact the U.S. national debt is topping out at historically unprecedented numbers climbing for $9 TRILLION Dollars; and climbing. We’re all subjects and slaves to the establishment using our nation as their empire bent on global domination. The people in the places that are subjected by the U.S. Establishment’s will are slaves in labor camps. Here, in the U.S., we’re all subject to the same elite, which enslaves the world at large, yet people somehow assume that we’re free of that same domination.

The debt grows and grows from military spending, and most of said spending goes to the weapons industries, which the profits then go to the same Establishment that enslaves us.

It all comes down to if we actually challenge it. Normally this concept of “freedom” goes unchallenged. When it does, as it did in the 1960’s, systematic institutional repression is wielded against those who dare challenge the Establishment. As long as nobody protests, the illusion of freedom can persist. When you do protest you get added to terrorist lists.

In the end it’s as simple as this: This nation has become everything it rebelled against in 1776, and pretended to be against in the Cold War. To overcome this harsh reality, people just keep telling themselves that they’re “free”.

Some more perspective:

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