posted on May, 25 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Originally posted by RRconservative
Get a good education and a good job and you won't have to worry about it!
get a good education ok check and FIND A GOOD JOB and hold onto it when STAGFLATION hits.
hmmm easier said than done.
the longer the public stays in the dark the longer the economy will take to go in the toilet, however when it does the longer and harder it will be
generally for them to get back out
barnacke and the boys think that the great depression occured because there was not enough money printed by the fed in those days and he guaranteed he
would not let another deflation led depression overwhelm the economy
that's nice. he also said he would like to make there policy's and actions of the FED more transparent and what does he do? stops printing m3
(money supply)
the inflation is just starting to creep in on the public radar (the sheeple) and as rising energy prices continue to erode away at there disposable
income and people go deeper and deeper into financial dire straits as well as prices of foods and clothing going up.
well unless long term fiscal policy changes in some way (gov't reduces spending) and exports rise (production) which is being outsourced, the world
will continue to diversify away from the dollar and there will be less and less cash flow coming into the country and then the lenders will start to
get tighter and buisness will also be going under (unemployment rising) and prices rising (inflation)= stagflation which could lead into a
buy gold buy silver or move to europe if u can find a job there
the "gubment" is going to continue to buy up natural resources and buy the time we are waist deep you will need the "mark" to buy or sell
[edit on 25-5-2007 by cpdaman]