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Adverse reactions to Merck's Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine headlines Australian news

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posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by bsl4doc

Because they don't work!

learn to read and remember what you read.

it's because theycan't be patented.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 09:19 PM
bsl4doc ,

What do you mean natural remedies don't work?

Ask anyone who has had success with, say, MSM and Glucosamine type supplements. This is a natural solution for achy joints. Heck, some doctors even recommend this to their patients. Ask anyone who stands by raw garlic for use in battling colds and flu. Dirt cheap medicine, folks.

I understand this isn't a cancer treatment I'm talking about, but you get the idea.

Besides, I have heard of cancer going into remission with the use of supplements.

One big question I have questions about, is, is there really a "bug" that causes cervical caner, in the first place? Or are we just being fooled, like with all the other garbage that gets fed to us by the "powers that be."


posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by cybertroy

One big question I have questions about, is, is there really a "bug" that causes cervical caner, in the first place? Or are we just being fooled, like with all the other garbage that gets fed to us by the "powers that be."


at least 80% of cancers are caused by bacteria,vireses,parasites and fungi..

the remainder by chemicals,toxins,genetics..

cancer is contagious and that why 566000 DIE EVERY YEAR IN THE USA AKLONE.

nobody wants you to know this bacause of the panic...

remember the IMAGINARY sars and bird flu MEDIA BS?

billions were gonna die from it?

just type cancer virus in google.

THEN SCROLL DOWN AWAY FROM THE OFFICIAL PROPAGANDA SITES ASKING FOR MORE MONEY and you will SEE loads of research on cancer viruses,etc...

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by bsl4doc



is not a vaild source?

NVIC also found that there were several VAERS reports of HPV infection, genital warts and cervical lesions after Gardasil vaccination. It is unknown if the girls were infected with HPV before being vaccinated or if Gardasil failed to protect them. One case of HPV infection occurred in a 22-year-old girl who had participated in a Merck Gardasil trial in 2003 when she had shown "strong conversion to all 4 vaccine types" but "tested positive for high risk HPV" in 2006, according to the VAERS report.

listen up, i have enough experience with you to know you're simply doing damage control. nearly everytime i ran into you on these forums, some side-stepping, topic evasion, denial until the bitter end and the rest of your (educated guess here) 1500p+ err, manual.

for the uninitiated:

note that reading up&down a few posts, especially those which were partially quoted will probably help your understanding a bit.

i feel kind of cheap doing this, but otoh, that's a small price to pay when it comes to politicisized health matters. we are at huge risk of being railroaded into so called 'informed dictatorship' where these kinds of guinea pig trials on everyone wouldn't even be reported in the first place.

vaccines work, herbs are toxic and prozac is an essential nutrient. that's the kind of future we are 'looking forward to' unless people with this agenda are frequently exposed. simple, isn't it?

the threads i posted speak for themselves, imho, although i have to admit that only attacking the source is a weak argument anyways.... even if it comes from someone who's probably busy until midnight tagging her own posts with five stars - just to make sure, eh

[edit on 25.5.2007 by Long Lance]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 02:14 PM
Ad hominem attacks ftw

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 12:58 AM
Long Lance,

"vaccines work, herbs are toxic and prozac is an essential nutrient. that's the kind of future we are 'looking forward to' unless people with this agenda are frequently exposed. simple, isn't it?"

I have thought this same sort of thing. Silly stuff. It's actually a sad situation. Nutrition and such are labeled as "alternative." No folks, this is part of the "real" solution. It should never be labeled as "alternative." Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and such are part of our natural bodily systems. These are some of the things we need to help improve our health.

How on earth did things like this come to be labeled as "alternative?"

It's like truth is being twisted. Our reality is being manipulated to make us think we need such things as anti-depressant medications and erection pills. Just what fruit or vegetable does Prozac come from? Where in the produce department can I find Lavitra? How many bananas do I need to eat a day to get my daily supply of the Prilosec nutrient?


[edit on 26-5-2007 by cybertroy]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by bsl4doc
Ad hominem attacks ftw

it boils down to a simple conundrum: you're using, or at least appealing to, authority. using one sided arguments like 'it's not used because it does not work' is superficially valid, just not on planet Earth, where special interest groups found out that emotionally appealing to the unsuspecting majority can in fact grant them the power to ban substances. it started out with hemp, because there's a useless smoking vaiety, with Opiates and Cocaine, which was once used for local anesthesia. in fact these substances are still with us, but they are regimented. using such superficial arguments could be refuted, like Escallum has done by mentioning patents, but i really don't feel like limiting myself to such a reactive approach.

illustrating a point by posting links to old threads, otoh, allows me to access and use far more data, which means the picture does get a lot clearer. my personal memory and bookmarked threads are easily accessible to me, but they would go unnoticed by a casual reader. i feel that older threads a accessible for a reason and such use may be controversial but obviously within the frame of this forum.

as for my remark about thread tagging, if it looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck and walks like one - think duck, not zoologist on an exam.

Originally posted by cybertroy

I have thought this same sort of thing. Silly stuff. It's actually a sad situation. Nutrition and such are labeled as "alternative." No folks, this is part of the "real" solution. It should never be labeled as "alternative." Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and such are part of our natural bodily systems. These are some of the things we need to help improve our health.

yeah, anyone can post the more nagging questions, my favorite pet peeve being 'what exactly is herd immunity ?' when you get to the bottom of it, it becomes obvious that the effect has to be on an individual level, otherwise it's pure metaphysics, but perhaps i'm missing something. then we have cancer therapy - how many actually survive and for how long?

Success statistics are being manipulated and fabricated in such an expert and subtle way that they give evidence of some manifest and significant progress in the fight against cancer. In medical circles, this systematic and large-scale deceit is excused by the concern 'not to cause panic' in cancer patients who do not have any serious alternative anyhow than walk the classic therapeutic way. It goes without saying that not only are all alternative ways of treatment en bloc rejected for being useless and even dangerous, but furthermore, the hypothesis that a patient would prefer n o t to be treated and, consequently, live the rest of his life in a qualitative more positive way, is considered to be non-existant. This is even more criminal because the fact that chemo(toxico)therapy would have any effect on cancer patients' life expectations, is far from being proven. On the contrary, comparative studies with non-treated patients have revealed that chemo(toxico) therapy does not produce any life-prolonging effects (1). Untreated patients appear to live (survive) at least as long as treated patients (2)....

and so on. it's out there you just have to look! one thing i have to say about cancer prognosis in particular, that people are given super-optimisitc outlooks, i know of one 'case' where one wonder drug was supposed to stop cancer growth for ~2 years, with a chance of utilising new developments by then. needless to say, three weeks later, she was dead and buried. i call that distortion and lieing. if you're consequently being dishonest with people don't expect a friendly response.


Gregory Curt, MD
"Patients who seek alternative or unsound cancer therapies are intelligent and inquisitive and unlikely to be persuaded that an approach is useless simply because the same lacks scientific credentials or has not been published in peer reviewed journals."

(emphasis mine)

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Jazzerman

According to Merck's own reports, some girls/women DID die while they were in the clinical tries. But most of the deaths were from car accidents... which is a little odd (unless of course, they fainted or became paralyzed after the shots & couldn't drive & had an accident that killed them).

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Jazzerman

If you eff with the hormones in young mens bodys when they are young then it would stand to reason that it would increase their likeliness to be homosexual later in life. Genetically modified foods have been proven to have adverse effects on everything from hormones to synapses.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by hikix

I'm a natural health consultant and opponent of mandatory vaccines. Recently a dear friend called me that her 21 year old daughter had gone to the HMO and received all 4 gardasil shots. The adverse reaction came right after the first, but she didn't tell her mother. The doctors started a battery of tests for her tachycardia and accompanying vertigo- but kept shotting her up with the aluminum/ borax laden toxic soup. It's been nearly 10 months and fancy that- the doctors can't find a thing wrong with her! Naturally they didn't test her for aluminum toxicity.

Fortunately, she's started on an aluminum detox protocol and should recover. It's criminal how they push this toxic waste.

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