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Bush Anoints Himself as the Insurer of Constitutional Government in Emergency

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posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by pjslug
...but this one is different because as I posted elsewhere in here, towards the end of the directive he mentions where a previous one (or several) have hereby been revoked.

This particular Presidential Directive is revoked and replaced on a pretty regular basis.

As stated earlier in this thread, it's hard to find the verbiage from the 1998 directive, so we don't really know what was revoked...but it certainly wasn't replaced with anything particularly threatening.

pjslug, what part of the document do you think endangers our democracy?

Our country may be going to hell in a handbasket...but I don't think any evil document or organization has anything to do with it.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius

pjslug, what part of the document do you think endangers our democracy?

Our country may be going to hell in a handbasket...but I don't think any evil document or organization has anything to do with it.

I'm not pjslug, so I cannot answer for him/her, but I will give an opinion her of my own.

It is not any one line in this document that is damning. I feel that it is there very ambiguity within it that tells us more. To have a directive that covers such sweeping areas of possible powers, and yet to not state more clearly how and when those changes will be implemented, and when they will end, is noteworthy.

It is what this doesn't say that tickles at the soul.

I could see it being used to provide international "cover" of legality to a lot of political moves by a group bent on taking control. A nation this size could not be reduced to a dictatorship overnight, but this document could be a "bridge" during that period. It's use would be to reassure our own citizens of the legality of actions, as well as those abroad.

By the time enough protest was mounted, considering the national shock something like another WTC bombing would bring, it would be too late to mount a legal challenge to the actions. Then it would be only a matter of those in power choosing to decide that the threat was never ending.

Timing in politics, just as sex, is everything.

fixed quote

[edit on 9/7/07 by masqua]

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
It is not any one line in this document that is damning. I feel that it is there very ambiguity within it that tells us more.

This is where you and I disagree, I think. I don't find that document to be as ambiguous as you do.

But then, I think you and are coming at it from different angles. You have a real distrust of the current administration because you feel that they are attempting a power grab.

I have a distrust of this administration because the president is an egotistical nob. The difference is, I don't think Bush has the support or charisma to pull off the kind of grab you're talking about. Bush will become an asterisk in history as the worst president we've ever had and that is about as ingrained in the history books as he is going to get.

You have a sense that he is going to make a bigger play than that. I respect your gut feeling...but I still have to stand firm and say that the Presidential Directive doesn't support the feeling you're having.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that your feeling may end up being correct but, if it is, it will be because the current administration completely disregards that document...not because they used it to help them.

Timing in politics, just as sex, is everything.

You just put an image in my head of George Bush having sex.

I'm afraid I can never forgive you for that.

fixed quote

[edit on 9/7/07 by masqua]

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
...I don't think Bush has the support or charisma to pull off the kind of grab you're talking about. Bush will become an asterisk in history as the worst president we've ever had and that is about as ingrained in the history books as he is going to get.

I tend to agree with this.

But that is not to say he has not made it easier for future leaders, that have the 'charisma' or 'support' that bozo lacks, to abuse power.

That danger is still very much real.

[edit on 13-7-2007 by loam]

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by loam
But that is not to say he has not made it easier for future leaders, that have the 'charisma' or 'support' that bozo lacks, to abuse power.

That's funny that you would bring that up. I was just having a conversation the other day with someone and we were trying to decide if Bush has made it easier or harder for future presidents to take liberties with their power.

We came to the conclusion that he did make it easier, but the key would have to be that the next president get up and make a very strong statement about "Bush has taken away the pride of this nation and I'm here to give it back!"

Then you have a charismatic individual encouraging the masses to rise from the role of victim, back to the greatness they deserve.

Now THAT's a Hitler move.

(Although, truth be known...I still don't think it would work. We Americans like to ridicule our presidents too much.)

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by gottago
9/11 has worn off, and they need an even bigger shot, like junkies, to shock the public back into submission.

My personal scenario: definitely before 2008 election, a dirty bomb in a 3rd tier city of about 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants. Shocking but expendable, and won't dent the economy.

Then whump! State of emergency/martial law, election suspended.

Sorry to be glib, but it's almost a foregone conclusion.

Pittsburgh Pa Anyone???

Reason I added this is cause I think this is the town to get wiped.. Its not exactly a big money maker and it is full of real history..

Plus i find it hard to swallow they won the Superbowl with some type of help. Cause that team sucks.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 01:24 PM
Pittsburg, Pa........not a money maker? Where do you think most of the worlds steel is made? Pittsburg.............

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 08:48 PM
It all is complete bull...anything catastrophic is planned by them and carried out by their henchman...they'll probably blame an attack on another country like iran and thats how bush stays in office and we go into a full escalated war. How is this man allowed to designate himself a higher authority then he already is? Big brother has become a monster, an even bigger monster than bush is.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Idiots. The President IS the insurer of Constitutional Government in an Emergency.

What do you think gave legitimacy to Lincoln's war?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Houtchens
Hey Shadow,

I am no supporter of the presidents foreign policies but this arguement is full of baloney. You accuse him of a power grab but in the case of New Orleans, he did not act because the GOVERNOR did not give him the authority to do so. It can't be both ways. In my own opinion, the government is not there to bail out folks who not only refuse to heed warnings and but also refuse to acquire flood insurance in an area BELOW SEA LEVEL NEXT TO THE OCEAN. It's like people living in Kansas who don't have tornado insurance NOR a storm cellar. If Clinton were in office and the exact same thing happened, these accusations would not be made, and you and I both know it.

Oh and by the way, it's not like he has not kept your body safe from harm in the 6 years after 9/11. Forget the cells that have been disrupted and the LAX and Fort Gillam disasters that were diverted.

Personally, I don't think that a dictatorship would be such a bad thing considering that we already kill over 1 MILLION people in this country every single year. Compare the statistics. You won't hear about that from the whining entitlement folks though. To me, it is the height of hypocracy to complain about those who died from a storm while remaining blind to the unborn children who are sacrificed to the god of convenience with shredders, chemicals and screwdrivers.

Now, all that being said I do not think Bush is a good president- I would rate him as extremely poor. For more on my opinion in these matters, please use this link:

armchair coach
amateur historian

The governor didn't LET him call National Guard troops? The President is Commander-in-Chief, he can call them whenever the hell he feels like. He backed off on the feds getting involved with states rights when it was needed most.

And how can a dictatorship be good? WTF, do you remember Hitler? All the bad guys would be working together for the same leader, like one big gang, so nothing would be better, just worse.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
I beleive GW Bush just signed his own death sentence without knowing it.
We all know he is a puppet and not the smartest...Who is going to benefit the most if GW Bush is killed in a catastrophic event...Yes him...
Dick Cheney...
Is he planning to murder the president to grab absolute power in the US?
It just makes sense...

If I was a teacher who could hand out gold stars, you'd get one.
D.C. has been working on it since the 70's.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by True_Confederate

And GENERAL ORDERS 100 remains today. We are still under martial law. Can't be put under martial law again.

[edit on 25-2-2008 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by TheBorg

Originally posted by darkbluesky
DG, When President Bush leaves office next year, and his successor recinds all of his Draconian laws and directives will you admit you may have been a wee bit paranoid?

You do know that's not going to happen, don't you?

You know what would be even better? If we could find out who's really calling the shots, and see to it that they don't get to anymore. The president can't do this alone I'm afraid. He needs help from somewhere. I'd like to know from where, and from whom.


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