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Hog bigger than Hogzilla killed in Alabama (almost 11 ft long)

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posted on May, 22 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
As usual I agree with your reply, with the exception of this. And I'm assuming when they say "a Smith & Wesson customized .50 caliber revolver shooting 350 grain Hornady bullets", that they're referring to the Model 500 S&W... This handgun is everything BUT a peashooter. In fact it's more like a portable cannon.

My mistake. I'm not really into guns (think they should all be smelted) so I don't know much about them.

I think the pig was in fact quite big, possibly larger than an average one, but I highly doubt it was 11 feet long.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Did you guys read the kids bio.Next hunt:Bigfoot with a blowgun.

haha, yeah, he's gonna try and blow dry bigfoots face until his lips become so chapped that he is forced to go to his local convienient store and buy some blistex!!!

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 01:05 AM
If you hunt bigfoot with a just might be a redneck.
Sorry I had to.

[edit on 23-5-2007 by crowpruitt]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 08:58 AM
yupyup, i'm aware of how dangerous wild pigs are (been on an awful lot of humane hunts and safaris - many similar stories have been relayed to me), i was just dramatising to make a point - it upsets me on many many levels; an 11 year old killing something because it's different (what lessons is that kid learning? that *gun toting* kid.), 3 hours of slow terrifying painful death, the whimsical congratulatory air this story has been given by it's writers...
i'm in no way meaning to disrespect those on this thread who love their guns, but IMHO there's nothing entertaining in killing. unless you're a serial killer of course...

bleeding heart rant over, i'm in agreement that this is a photoshopped or forced-perspective hoax. the fact that it's all about it being 'bigger than hogzilla' stinks of attention-seeking. i'm also suspicious of the lack of video evidence. if you had caught something bigger than a beast that made headline news and alot of money, wouldn't you be straight out there with a videocamera? footage fetches a better price than photos...

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 09:44 AM
Well, according to this blog it's true... Apparently he spoke to the father as well as the taxidermist who has the "pelt"...

Jerry Cunningham, of Jerry's Taxidermy, called to say he does in fact have the hog and it's really, really big.

He was there to see it soon after its kill. He also "caped out" the hog, removing the hide for the process of mounting it, in which is planned to be a shoulder mount.

To help make the form on which the animal will be mounted, Cunningham had to take accurate measurements of the beast. Here they are:

Around the head (across the ears): 54 inches.
Around the shoulders: 74 inches.
Length of snout (from eyes to nose): 11 inches.

From what I gather the writer of the blog - Bran D. Strickland - may be a reporter for The Anniston Star, a local newspaper. His mission is "to get to discover whether the next "Hogzilla" really was shot in Delta, Ala."

So, it looks like we may all be wrong... The photograph may have been taken with such a perspective as to make the pig look bigger, but it may just be 10'7"...

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 01:10 PM
My grandad is a writer for the Anniston Star, the newspaper the guy above me is talking about, so Ill contact him and see if he knows anything.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 05:03 PM
ahhhhh what a lovely feeling - finally a topic with posters who have contacts! i could pee i'm so 'cited! ^.^;
can't wait to hear the confirmation!

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 02:41 AM
Fox news (finally) picked up on the story. Although they say it's been shot in Montgomery...

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 08:14 AM
I saw a documentary on the original hogzilla. These are just normal farm pigs that have escaped the farm. The weird thing with pigs seems to be once they get into the wild they can turn feral overnight, which means they start to grow thick hair and big tusks. It was a very interesting story. I didn't know anything about pigs before I saw it. Also, the pigs out at this plantation are getting huge because they are eating some kind of growth protein that was orginally being fed to fish to make them larger. Since hogzilla the pig hunting business exploded and my guess is that the owners are now intentionally feeding the wild pigs this growth food to keep big game hunters coming to their business. This will not be the last giant pig to come out of this area.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by zerotime]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by zerotime
Also, the pigs out at this plantation are getting huge because they are eating some kind of growth protein that was orginally being fed to fish to make them larger. Since hogzilla the pig hunting business exploded and my guess is that the owners are now intentionally feeding the wild pigs this growth food to keep big game hunters coming to their business. This will not be the last giant pig to come out of this area.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by zerotime]

Humm, do these growth proteins have a similar effect to the steroids that the athletes and body builders take, ie 'roid rage?? Would the tusks and hair be more pronounced than the 'normal' old hog might grow?

If so, as they become the dominant breeding-age male, that might make these hogs even meaner than they would normally be.......a draw for the hunters, sure....but I'd hate to be in the neighborhood .

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 06:50 AM
Not sure whether there is some photo manipulation or some perspective jiggery-pokery going on here but here is another link to covering this story. Big Pig

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:11 PM
This fat family, big pig and website was a made up to create chaos, politic plays on religion.
If you read Negative Comments vs Positive Comments on the website, you will feel it is trying to create a bad image of Christianity, especially Southern Christian families.


It could be just another stupid fat red neck family try to get fame and earn some money. Poor American.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 09:13 AM
Forgive me for raising the dead... Just thought I'd check up on this story...

The site completely rips the picture and the story apart... They basically say what we've been saying here, just in more detail...

Another interesting tit-bit...

NBC Today Show cancels segment on monster pig after flying boy and father to NYC instead of disclosing their role and the hog hoax to the public
A key question will be at the heart of our second instalment: have the Stones been unwittingly set up for a great fall by their media suitors? And why did NBC suddenly cancel the Monster Pig segment after Today Show producers learned the truth from Stinky Journalism's report?

They knew.

Apparently they've (the father and son) appeared on CNN - but I can't find the YouTube video...

Oh, and we're waiting for the supposed video of the pig as well...

There's been so much mention of the Hogzilla movie... Wonder if this is Viral? (Although why the religious themes?)

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:20 PM
That's very sad to me.
That hog must've been a hundred years old.
Why did they have to kill it?
Lousy humans.
Always killing stuff...

So sad

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 06:44 PM
i just saw this news thing on FUSE of all places (music channel) and they said that the pig was about that length, between 9 and 10 feet, and it took 3 hours for the boy to chase the hog and finally kill it, taking 8 shots with the 50 caliber, the last one being point blank. The kid is a typical hunters son, apparently killing his first deer when he was 5. I dont think this is forced perspective, just really crazy. Its been getting more and more exposure as time goes on. Who knows what made the hog get that large. Im sure more info will come up if its not exposed as a hoax.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 06:38 PM
Now we know the truth............

Before he became known as "Monster Pig," the 1,051-pound hog shot in Delta was known by another name.


Rhonda and Phil Blissitt told The Anniston Star on Thursday evening that, on April 29, four days before the hog was killed, Fred was one of many livestock on their farm.

Late Thursday evening, their claims were confirmed by Andy Howell, Game Warden for the Alabama Department of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries.

"I didn't want to stir up anything," Rhonda Blissitt said. "I just wanted the truth to be told. That wasn't a wild pig."

Added Phil Blissitt:

"If it went down in the record book, it would be deceiving, and we'd know that for the rest of our lives."

The monster hog gained worldwide acclaim after he was harvested by 11-year-old Jamison Stone, a Pickensville native, with a .50-caliber pistol on May 3 at the Lost Creek Plantation, LLC, a hunting preserve in Delta. The big boar was hunted inside a large, low-fence enclosure and fired upon 16 times by Stone, who struck the animal nearly a half-dozen times during the three-hour hunt.

Farm raised, and killed for sport by some kid with a gun.:shk:

If you read the entire story, this animal was considered to be a pet, and not a feral hog as stated in the original story.

Edit: My OCD requires me to edit...

[edit on 1/6/2007 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 01:15 AM
Well spotted Anx!

And so the Stone family's retord to the facts: They re-did their whole "monster pig" website...

Now from the first time this story was told to the interviews Jamison and I have done on radio and television, we have never failed to say that the pig was hunted on a hunting ranch or farm. I know many of you real hunters and animal rights activist have chastised Jamison and I for this hunting trip from the very beginning trying to make it sound like it was something short of a true hunting experience and your opinion is well received and understood. However, I own no hunting land and have very little time so this opportunity to hunt what we thought and technically still is, according to the definition I have, a feral pig, was something I do not regret doing for my son. Had I known that in a short time, someone would call this pig their "pet", we would have simply hunted another hog. I would like to thank Mr. Blissitt for his honest and forthcoming description of the pig and his understanding and taking time to explain to my son that he did NOT shoot the family pet!

Contrary to What The News is Saying, We Did Not Claim to Have Any Kind Of Record.


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